(4)- Denial

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It had been almost a week since the disastrous interview in Sharon Goodwin's office, and Connor had finally almost been able to get his head straight. He could sleep now, without seeing that same, recurring image of Ava, and the scalpel, pressed against her throat.

There were several unread emails on his laptop, which was open on the table in front of him. They were all from the hospital, but Connor couldn't bring himself to open them. He didn't want another reminder of everything, when he was just starting to process everything that had happened.

Slowly, he opened the most recent email, which was from Dr Charles. It was probably to chase him up about finding a time to talk, as if that was something that Connor would be likely to do. It wasn't. Still, he clicked to open the email, and waited for it to load.

As Connor read the email, his eyes widened. No. It couldn't be. The email that he was waiting for. Connor re-read it, checking it over. He stood up quickly. This was it. The investigation was over, Dr Charles had written it in the email, himself. That meant he could go and see Ava. The email detailed that she had a bed in the psychiatric ward. Now he knew where she was, Connor could go and see her.

He showered quickly, as he had neglected to do that for several days. It seemed like too much of a task on the days that he couldn't think of anything but Ava. Once he was presentable, Connor rushed out of his apartment, and sped to the hospital in his car. He was finally going to be able to see Ava. 

Connor hurriedly rushed up to the psychiatric ward, and signed in. The receptionist, clearly knowing who he was, gave him a look of confusion. "Dr Rhodes?" she asked, clarifying whether it was him. "What are you doing here?"

"Going to see someone," he replied. That was all that he was going to say about it, to anyone. At least, until he had a chance to see Ava, and speak to her. He just had to speak to her. "Thanks," he said, to the receptionist as he walked in the direction of the ward.

Dr Charles was standing outside Ava's room. He looked pleasantly surprised when Connor turned the corner. "Dr Rhodes," he said, approvingly. "You came. I'm glad. I wasn't sure if you'd see the email that I sent you." 

"I saw it," Connor said, nodding. "So, where is she? Which room is hers?" he asked, breathlessly. He had just rushed to see Ava. It was at the front of his mind now. He hadn't seen her in almost two weeks. "Can I see her?" he asked, again.

"She's right in here," Dr Charles said, gesturing to the room that they were standing in front of. "This is it. Just be mindful of the fact that she hasn't had a single visitor. Only myself and several other doctors have seen her. You're the first visitor. Just keep that in mind, Connor. Be careful." 

"I will," Connor said. He nodded. "I'll be careful, Dr Charles. Let me see her now." He watched as Dr Charles pushed the door to Ava's room open, and stepped in. This was the first time that Connor had seen Ava, since the incident, and she looked different, somehow. She was staring up at the ceiling, a blank expression on her face. She looked weaker, and definitely more vulnerable. Connor had never seen her like this.

"Ava," Dr Charles said, gently. She looked up at him, no emotion behind her eyes. "I have someone to see you, a visitor." Dr Charles smiled, knowingly. "I think that you'll be pleased with this visitor." He turned back to Connor, gesturing for him to come in. "Connor, come on."

As soon as she saw Connor, Ava's eyes widened, in pure shock. No. She couldn't see him. She wouldn't see him. "No," she said, in a low voice, not making eye contact with Connor. "No, no, no. Get him away. Get him away from me!" 

"Ava..." Connor said, gently. He knew that she hadn't seen anyone in almost two weeks, but he hadn't expected her to react like this. "Ava it's me." Connor took a step closer to her. "Ava," he tried again, carefully.

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