One Question (💖)

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Im Guessing you know what this will be based on the title so yea let's do gays, Humanized

Nickel's POV

I've finally made up my mind I'm going to do it I'm going to propose to Balloon today at sunset on our picnic date so I got ready and walked down to meet Balloon

Balloon: Alright you ready

Nickel: Yup let's go

We walked out of the hotel and to our picnic spot

Balloon: You like the way I set it up

Nickel: Definitely

We sat down and began enjoying our date

Balloon: I really do love you

Nickel: I love you more than Lady Gaga songs and that's saying a lot coming from me you know how much I love Lady Gaga songs

Balloon: hahaha yea I do know

Nickel: That reminds me I have a surprise for you

Balloon: Oh what is it

Nickel: Turn around

Balloon: Ok

Balloon turned around and I took the ring out of my pocket and got into position

Nickel: Ok turn back around

He turned back around and looked shocked but happy

Nickel: Balloon I love you so much and nothing will ever change that so I have a question........will you marry me

Balloon: Yes yes yes yes a thousand times yes


He pulled me into a kiss and I felt so happy nothing could ruin this perfect moment

Sorry for the short chapter but yup now for the new arc mor texts next and yes Nickel is a Lady Gaga fanboy

256 Words

NickLoon stuff because I love it Where stories live. Discover now