A ghost finds me in a building

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Okay, guys! I am being real.

Imagine, that you are running along happily on the shore of the seaside, while your loved one chases you playfully. Good fortune?

Now, change some words. Change happily to tiredly, shore and seaside to the edge of a cliff and loved one to a wild Omnibus Praestat. Must be asking what that is?

They are large animal like, creatures. They got the sharp teeth and they are incredibly furry. Usually brown. One bite can kill many. Don't go near them. Yup, these are advises you have to follow if you encounter the monster. Especially the last one. I don't know how I got this name; it just came into my thinking stuff. I use Omnibus, because using the whole word gives me the creeps.


My sprinting ceased when I came towards the end of the cliff. I widened my eyes, serrated boulders and enormous tides were beneath me. I could either jump off and die or kill this weird thing. 

My head was throbbing with pain, I couldn't even think straight. I couldn't even decide what to do; suddenly I felt the heavy breathing and snot on my arms. I took a deep breath and turned around, facing the monster. Omnibus.

Its blood-shot eyes, traveled to my stomach. I quivered. The wild creature stretched out its sharp claws and dragged himself closer to me. I took a step back, probably one inch away from death. My hands reached inside my shorts' pocket, and grabbed the last stone.

"You don't want to mess with the best!" I yelled.

The thing, narrowed his eyes and shouted, spraying its saliva over me. I wiped drool with the back of my hand and smirked.

"I told you not to mess!" I muttered, tossing the last rock. It advanced through my hands and lightly hit the Omnibus's furry skull. It screamed again and charged on me, I ducked as it flung its claw, and ripped my jacket in pieces.

Panic conquered me again, my knees became shaky. This was my only chance; I stopped and stuck out my tongue and the faced the monster. I knew he was going to strike me, as it did. I ran towards its belly and leaped on its back. The Omnibus started to dance, trying to hurl me off. 

Sorry, Omnibus! Ethan never lee-sans. I clutched the rough hairs on its neck and stretched it, as I gained a few bumps again. But I didn't stop; I kicked and took out my dagger from my tool belt.

Kill it! Kill it! I heard voices. I closed my eyes and held the dagger high. In a swish the dagger got successfully thrust inside its nape.

I sprung off its back and landed on my hands. The thing spun and spun as if it was crazy. The Omnibus crashed on the stiff ground and the dust scattered in the air. I picked myself and sauntered towards it.

Blue liquid came out of the area where I stabbed the creature. It made me nauseous. I held the dagger from the end and tugged it out.

Great, the bluish liquid covered the end of my dagger too; I clasped a torn piece of my jacket and wiped my dagger. The Omnibus gives me a shudder, every time I look at it.

I turned away and pushed my dagger back into my tool belt. I felt guilty for killing the monster, but I have killed many of them so it doesn't matter now. I always wondered though, how did they even came to this land. How did they even exist? When creatures like me don't. 

I might have lived seven years without anyone and I am used to it! But no matter what you do, you get lonely sometimes.


I trudged into one of the shattered buildings, the place scared me at first but I got used to it day by day. The lights flickered; it surprises me why these aren't going off.

I booted one of the doors and hid behind the tattered brick wall.

"No sign of  the Omnibus..." 

I shuffled through the cabinets and drawers, hoping to find something useful.

Everything was worn-out, forks, spoons, pans, furniture and even the mirrors. All of them were smashed. Everything is destroyed long as I can remember.

I proceeded inside the kitchen and opened the fridge. Edible things were filled in it and the bad smell of a dead animal. But still! Luck comes in many ways, especially when you are trapped in a world filled with deadly creatures.

"Whoa!" I grabbed the half-opened blueberry  yogurt.

When I fully ripped the lid of the yogurt cup, I decided to drop the idea of using the food inside. Enfolded with a green disgusting layer was the yogurt I had my eyes on. It looked like filth.

I made of sickening face and slammed the fridge. This was the last cupboard I was opening. This is what happens guys, never become happy on little things! They usually turn out evil.

All the searching went in vain; I could only find a can of carrots, an ax, an expired caramel toffee and a torch.

The batteries are all most worn out in the torch.

Guess I'll have to work out with these things and the spade with a broken handle I found in the garbage yesterday.

I stuffed these things in the pocket of my shorts and my tool belt. I packed a piece of mirror too, Hey! It could come in handy! When you desire to rip a Omnibus's head someday. And make it a one-piece decoration.

I sauntered towards the exit; before I could react, I heard a crying. I furrowed my eyebrows and peered through the broken door.

Then and then, my hands started to tremble and my face turned white.

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