Chapter 1

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The little cub stood in between his mother's big paws, he was scared out of his mind, his mother was trying to shield him, they were both covered in blood, 'BANG' a bullet came flying into their direction and soon after came the hunters, mean people hunting rare creatures to sell them in the black market. The cub's mother picked him up and started running, the hunters chased after them, guns and nets in their hands, 'BANG, BANG, BANG' the cub's mother fell to the ground, she let go of her cub and he nudged her weak body with his little nuzzle, there was no time so the mother said "run honey! Run as fast as you can, i'm sorry, and I love you" then her eyes slowly lost their light and her body became as still as stone. The little cub was terrified, his mother was gone? Just like that? He heard the hunters running in his direction, he wanted to stay with his mother but he knew he would only die if he did, so he started running, he ran like the wind 'BANG, BANG' he stumbled as the bullets hit him but he couldn't give up, not after his mother died trying to protrct him! So he stood back up and started running some more, blood trickling down his neck, his body hurt everywhere, he was just a cub after all. He ran stumbled and ran more until he couldn't run any longer, he fell to the ground, and his exausted body stud in the cold snow, he didn't want to give up he didn't want to die, he wanted to go back to his pack with his mother, but he knew he couldn't, if he did he would put everyone in danger, he was a werewolf cub after all, hunters come after him wherever he goes, but now he was alone with no one, salty tears filled his eyes and slid to the ground, his pure white coat was dirty with blood who glistened in the sunlight. The cub closed his eyes "I just want everything to be okay when I wake up" he thought.

A family was taking a walk in the forest with their eight year old son, they were planning to stop at a clearing to have pic-nic in the snow. Their son wanted to explore so once their pic-nic spot was arranged he hurried to the forest near by. He found tiny animals crawling up trees, and dens from animals in hibernation, he walked up to a big tree but when he got to the other side he turned around to let out a scream "AAHHHHH MAMA, PAPA COME QUICK!" He yelled, his parents came as quickly as possible, they looked preoccupied but when they saw what was lying there they clasped their hands on their mouth.

A boy around their son's age was lying unconscious in the snow, he had the whitest hair they has ever seen and he was covered in blood, hastily the father picked him up from the ground and they all hurried back to the car, they drove to their house and laid the white haired boy in a bed, then the mother who was a doctor treated all his wounds and stitched the ones that would scar she also removed the bullets from his body. After that the family looked in his clothe's pockets to see if he had anything that would lead them to his family but couldn't find anything. The white haired boy was unconscious for two days and the family was getting worried, they hadn't told anyone because something like this had never happened in the village and they would only result as suspicious people.

One day as the family was checking on him he slowly opened his eyes, he got scared with all the people around him and jumped up. The family was surprised, he wasn't supposed to be able to stand, then the first thing they noticed were his eyes, they looked like sapphires except his left eye partially looked like solid gold. He stood on his little legs and all the adults were looking at him he looked down at his hands, he turned human? What was he doing in a human house? Who were these people? He looked around, a window, he jumped towards it and tried escaping but the man grabbed him and put him back in the bed. "Don't worry little boy we aren't gonna hurt you, okay? You shouldn't be jumping all around the place, you are very injured and your stitches will come off if you move too much. You were also unconscious for four days, we were getting worried, now we'll get something for you to eat okay?" The man left the room and the woman patted the boy's head "do you want to talk about what happened in the forest?" The boy just stared at her blankly without saying a word and the woman realised he hadn't spoken since he woke up "can you not talk?" The boy avoided the question by looking outside, then the man came in with a cup and a plate in his hands, he put them on the table besides the boy and said "this is hot-chocolate and a little treat, why don't you try it?" The boy picked up the hot-chocolate and too a sip, it tasted sweet and he liked it so he drank some more with a big smile on his face and thought that maybe these people weren't as bad as all the other ones.

In the afternoon the couple's son came home with a chunk of snow in his hazelnut hair, he ran to his parents and gave them a big hug, he stared to tell them about his day in third grade but they interrupted him "honey, you know the boy with white hair right? He woke up some hours ago... why don't you check on him?" The boy nodded and ran to the room where the white haired boy was, he slammed the door open to see him sitting up in bed looking out the window, he got starttled at the boy's sudden entrance and turned around quickly the boy walked towards his bed and said "hello! How are you? We found you in the forest covered in blood, are you okay? What happened? What's your name? My name is Cole!" Cole looked so excited but the boy just looked at him without responding, then Cole's mother entered the room "Cole, the boy hasn't spoken since he woke up, we think he may not be able to or he simply dosn't want to. But you should let him rest, he must be tiered." Cole turned to the boy and said "I'm sorry, but can I at least know your name?" The boy didn't answer and Cole walked out saying "Rest well Yeti!" He giggled and left the room. The boy thought about it 'Yeti' nice nickname but really far from his actual name.

The boy waited for it to be night and for everyone to be asleep, then he crawled out of bed and tried turning back into his original form, he could. His white hair turned to fur that covered his whole body, his sharp teeth became even sharper, his pupils became slimmer and a fluffy tail appeared on his back, the boy started walking on his four paws but the pain was unbearable so he leaped on the bed and turned back. He looked at the sealing, then suddenly he brought his hands to his neck, there was a necklace and he grabbed it "luckily I didn't lose it" he thought, he looked at the fang shaped pendant and carefully unscrewed the top from the bottom. Inside there was a tiny paper, a picture he looked at it, it was him 3 years ago when he was still five years old, he was with his parents and the whole pack, he remembered they took this picture on a trip to visit the pack since they couldn't stay together. This memory made the boy happy but he became sadder when he remembered that half the people in the picture were now dead, and it was all because of his existence. The boy quickly put the picture back in the pendent and closed it, that was enough for one night so he closed his eyes and rested.

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