Chapter 4

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Five years had passed since the boy started living in the cave, it got boring at times but he learned to come with loneliness and boredom by a becoming stronger and more agile so he could protect himself if he ever had to. The boy was now used to solitary life and peaceful days, he had no one after him and he could live freely inside his cave, that was util one day when he was dusting the shelves in his cave, the boy heard some noises from outside, he quickly hid behind a large rock.

Some men entered the cave "are you sure you saw one living here?" Asked one of them "yes sir! Positive sir!" Responded the other one "it indeed looks like someone has been living here, everyone look around this place for him!" Everyone followed the captain's orders. The boy who wasn't a cub anymore knew how to protect himself but he was anxious anyways.

The men looked all over the cave, they destroyed the furniture he made and messed up all his storage, then a man looked behind the rock he was hiding behind "he's here!" He shouted. All the men hurried towards the boy but he was more agile now, he jumped towards the wall and climbed it until he reached one of the tiny holes at the top of the cavern, there he punched it hard until a piece broke off and it was big enough for the boy to climb through. He stood on his feet in the bright light and started running south, he ran but encountered another group of men shortly after so he turned north but even there he encountered the hunters, no matter where he went he met hunters

He couldn't stay in the forest, he knew that much. He thought that if he could become invisible maybe the hunters wouldn't find him then a wonderful idea struck him, he looked like a normal human in his human form so he could just head to someplace where there were a lot of people so the hunters wouldn't know which one was not human. The boy ran and ran in the direction which he thought the village was in.

He encountered hunters along the way but they were small groups so the boy managed to beat them up so he could get through. The boy ran for hours straight stopping once in a while to rest or drink from a tiny pond, and after sevral hours of traveling he stopped on top of a hill. The boy gazed down upon the village, it was getting dark so the light in most of the houses were on and that made the view breathtaking, he snapped out of it when he heard movements behind him, to avoid danger he leaped down the hill as quickly as possible and submerged himself in the village streets.

There was faint music coming from tiny restaurants and tiny lights were hung in between houses, the boy looked for a place to rest and decided to just slump down against a random wall, without realising he soon dozed off not caring about the weird or concerned looks the people passing by were giving him.

"Hey? Hey are you ok? Wake up!" A girl with a blonde ponytail and green eyes was shaking the boy's shoulder, he woke up startled and stud up quickly "hey, hey ! I'm just tying'a help ya here" said the girl "why are you on the streets? Where do you live? Want me to call your parents?" Asked the girl but the boy didn't speak "you'r makin it hard for me y'know, I gotta go to my friend's house right now so stop wastin ma time and tell me if you'r alright" the boy didn't say anything so the girl just said "you know what? Just come with me, my friend'll know whatta  do and if he dosn't we can just call da police for'ya" the girl tried grabbing the boy's hand but he shook it off and just followed her, it's not like he had anything else to do, plus if he didn't the girl might call the police and that would not be in his favour.

The boy followed her to a blue house with a tiny garden, it smelled familiar when the boy sniffed the air but he couldn't remember when he had smelled this last. The girl rang the doorbell and a boy with hazelnut hair came to open the gate, he greeted the girl "welcome V !" Not realizing there was another person beside her. 'V' said "I found this guy on the street, didn't know whatta do with him so I wanned'a ask ya.."

V's friend looked at the boy carefully and noticed his candid white hair and weird eyes, then he exclaimed "YETI !? Is that you, oh my goodness!" The boy looked at V's friend carefully and murmured "Cole?" He couldn't believe he had found Cole, he had always been worried about him and his family deep down "oh my goodness it is you! Come in quick, let's get you cleaned up!" Said Cole. V was confused on how the two boys knew each other but she just followed them inside, Cole led the boy to the bathroom and gave him some spare clothes.

Once the boy was done cleaning up he headed to the living room where Cole and V were sitting on a couch, he sat next to Cole as he asked "so what happened to you this time Yeti? Where were you all these years?" The boy didn't answer, "fine, you still won't talk but at least tell me if you have any injuries I need to fix" the boy just pulled up an edge of the shirt Cole had given him and revealed a bullet stuck in his lower ribcage. Cole gasped and quickly grabbed his first aid kit, he carefully removed the bullet and treated the wound, he also put a large bandage on it to make sure it didn't get infected not noticing all the rest of the visible marks the pulled up shirt was showing, "how did that happen? How come they are all so eager to shoot you all the time?" The boy just shrugged and leaned on the couch, it was much more comfortable then his wooden one and he closed his eyes for a second to enjoy the moment.

Soon after V left and it was only Cole and the boy, they sat on the couch and stared at each other, not knowing what to say then Cole was about to ask the boy if he wanted some water when a man and a woman, Cole's parents, opened the front door, they were talking normally but flinched when they glanced towards the sofa seeing a stranger sitting on it.

Cole's father was about to say "who are you?" When the woman shut his mouth, she walked to the front of the couch looking at the boy carefully, she stared deeply into his eyes then she looked at her son "Is this-" "yes" said Cole she threw herself at the boy drowning him in a bear hug "we were very worried about you, please never run away like that ever again! Where were you all these years? At one point we thought you died!" The boy was surprised at her words and he was certainly not expecting a hug.

That night the family enjoyed dinner along with the boy who deep deep down was actually extremely happy to have found Cole and his family again after so much time. After dinner Cole's father showed the boy where he could sleep that night. The room wasn't big but it wasn't small either, it was just big enough to make the environment cozy and enjoyable there were a couple plants around the room and 2 tiny windows from which he could see the streets filled with people smiling and spending time with their family.

The boy got ready to go to sleep and had just sat down on his bed when someone knocked at his door, it slowly creaked open and Cole's face popped out, when he saw it was fine for him to come in he opened the door properly and took a step inside "hey, I just wanted to say goodnight" he waved at the boy and the boy waved back, Cole smiled and said "Goodnight Yeti" he turned around to leave when he heard the boy mutter something, so he quickly turned back around to face him "did you say something?" He asked, the boy nodded and opened his mouth to speak "Lampi" he said "Lampi not Yeti" he repeated with a sweet and calming voice, Cole stared at him in shock for a moment the he smiled even wider "alright then, goodnight Lampi".

When Cole left the room it was silent, Lampi could hear the voices of the people outside, there were families with children and friends laughing, he was happy that now he could be called by his name by Cole and he secretly hoped he could stay with him and his family, he didn't want to be kicked out and he wasn't planning on leaving this time.

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