Chapter 5

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During the time Lampi spent with Cole and his parent he got to know them better, he discovered that Cole wanted to become a doctor like his mother and that he worked very hard for that, he noticed Cole did various different extra work to learn more things that might not even be thought at school.

One day while Cole was studying Lampi was called to the study by his parents, they told him to sit down because they needed to talk "so we know that you don't have anywhere to go if we tell you not to stay with us anymore and of course we don't want you to get hurt because we care about you so we decided something" said the man, Lampi nodded and he continued "we have decided that you will continue living with us but you must start going to school with Cole" Lampi was surprised but of course happy he could continue living with Cole's family "but there is something else" said Cole's mother "we have noticed that sometimes Cole comes home hurt, he says he's clumsy and falls a lot but we aren't completely sure about it, that's why we would like you to check on him as well and tell us immediatly if there's something wrong in school. Did you understand?" Lampi accepted their deal and happily skipped towards Cole's room.

He opened the door wide and said "Cole!" Cole turned around from his chair, he had a pair of thin glasses on which made him look smart and professional, the longer strand of hair on his side was clipped back so it wouldn't get in his way and his bright amber eyes open wide "what happened Lampi?" He asked calmly as he removed the glasses he was wearing, Lampi walked toward him and said "next week I will go to school with you!" He smiled wide exposing his white teeth, Cole started smiling as well "I can't wait then!".

Time passed quickly as Lampi was exited to go to school, he spent almost all his time acquiring knowledge from Cole on how to act and when to speak, he also watched him closely as he studied. Finally the day came, Lampi woke up extra early in the morning, he got out of ben and went to the bathroom, he brushed his teeth, washed his face to then stare at it in the mirror then he slapped his cheeks "You got this!". Lampi chose to wear a long leave shirt like alway, because he didn't want to expose his scars and bruises, and wore a colourful hoodie Cole had bought him, he combed his hair elegantly. Lampi was determined do leave a fantastic first impression at school, he headed to the kitchen to grab a peace of bread when he saw Cole was taking an apple from the fridge "mornin' " he said in a grumpy voice as he threw an apple at Lampi, he caught it and took a bite "thanks".

Cole sipped his coffe silently and when h finished he stud up quickly "come on Lampi let's go to school!" He exclaimed before placing the coffe mug in the sink, he grabbed Lampi's arm and dragged him to the entrance where they had both placed their schoolbags the night before, they picked up their bags and exited the house. Lampi was still munching on his apple as they walked to school, "so is the school far away?" Asked Lampi while chewing on a apple piece "not quite, it's about a 10 minute walk, are you exited?" Replied Cole as he watched Lampi nod "I wonder which class I'll be in, hopefully I'm in yours!".

Cole smiled and pointed to a building in the distance "that's the school, lets hurry up so we won't be late!" He winked at Lampi and he shot his apple core in a trash can. Cole grabbed Lampi's hand as they ran towards the school. They soon reached the school gate where Lampi gasped, it was beautiful, not the buildings or the garden but the people, everyone was chatting with their friends, some were studying some playing with a ball or simply walking towards their building, Lampi adored the atmosphere he had never seen so many people getting along like that since he had left his pack.

Lampi followed Cole towards a wooden board with plenty of posters stuck on it, there were other people around it as well but they moved aside so they could see the board, some of them looked at Lampi weirdly but he just ignored them. He looked at a piece of paper posted in front of all the others, on it was a small piece of text 'LAMPI LOVELL MUST ATTEND CLASS 8' after reading the text Cole turned to him with a smile stuck on his face "that's my class!".

Lampi and Cole walked to fourth building after the gate, they went up to the second floor and to the classroom with a big 8 hung on top of the door. Lampi took a deep breath as Cole opened the door and took a step into the classroom after him, the light from the windows shone into his eyes so he squinted them, there were already people in the classroom but the teacher wasn't there yet. Lampi headed to and empty seat, he placed his bag on the floor next to his desk, next to him was a girl with long black hair and glasses on the other side there were the windows, in front there was a boy with messy ginger hair and in the seat behind Lampi was a boy with green hair and freckles. Multiple people from the class were already staring at his white hair so the boy behind him asked "hey bro, you knew?" Lampi nodded "yes, I hope we can get along" he wanted to smile but it wouldn't come out right so he just turned back around. He glanced at Cole who was already taking his books out of his bag along with his elegant glasses, a couple seconds after the class door swung open and the teacher entered the class "sit at your seats properly and let's start class" everybody sat down and stopped talking, the teacher looked at Lampi and cleared his throat "we also have a new transfer student, why don't you introduce yourself young man?" Lampi stood up straight "my name is Lampi Lovell, I hope I can get along with everyone" "where are you and your family from Lampi?" Asked the teacher "up North but me and my mother had to move due to some events" Lampi said before sitting back down.

The class started and everything went well, it wasn't too hard and time passed quickly, before he realised it it was already break time, Lampi stud up and walked up to Cole's desk with his lunch in hand "let's go outside to eat" Cole nodded and he grabbed his lunch from his bag, they walked out of the class and sat on a bench outside. Lampi had just taken a huge bite out of his sandwich when a group of boys walked up to him "Lampi right?" Lampi nodded "what's up with your hair man, did you dye it?" "No I was born with white hair, I didn't die it" he said while properly looking at them in the eye, the boy closest to him took a step backwards "what's wrong with your eyes, you scared me!" He said loudly, all the other boys stepped forward to look at his eyes "weird". At that point Cole said "scram it's none of your business.". The boys quickly retreated and left the two to eat their meals alone.

As the classes resumed Lampi couldn't help but think about how no one had willingly talked to Cole since this morning, he was confused on why, Cole was an awesome person after all... When the afternoon classes finally ended Lampi sighed, he relaxed leaning back on his chair and he looked outside when suddenly the class door slammed open startling him and almost causing him to fall backwards on his chair. Lampi looked at the open door where a 3 boys were standing one had honey coloured hair and a patch on his cheek, the boy behind him was a muscular blonde and next to him a boy with pitch black hair and an annoying smirk pasted on his face.

The boy in front stepped inside and said "where's our Coco" and started grinning when he saw Cole putting his books in his bag, they walked towards his desk and the smirking boy slammed his hand on his desk. ''Good afternoon Coco, why are you in such a hurry, don't you want to spend time with us?" Cole ignored him and finished packing his bag before standing up and heading to the door "don't you dare leave without us'' they said while following him outside, Lampi's felt confused by Cole's behaviour, why was he walking away from his friends? He quietly followed the group0 of boys who were following Cole, suddenly they jumped towards him and slammed his bag to the floor, Cole knelt to pick it up but the smirking boy pushed his back with his foot. Lampi realised these weren't his friends at all, he wasn't an expert but he knew that that wasn't how friends got along.

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