Chapter 3

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"Heyyyyyyy, wake upppppppp" Cole burst into the boy's room and dragged him outside, the boy looked at him confused "someone outside is looking for someone and the description sounds like you! Is it your dad?" Said Cole, the boy looked at him surprised, someone was looking for him? That was dangerous! It could be a hunter! He grabbed Cole by the shoulders and pushed him back to his room and spoke "you don't know anyone that looks like me, you don't know me" Cole looked at him flabbergasted he couldn't believe the boy talked, he nodded and went back to his mother while the boy waited silently for the men to leave. The boy then heard something horrible, before leaving the men shouted "IF YOU ARE HIDING HERE LITTLE WOLF FREAK, JUST KNOW THAT YOU SHOULDN'T WASTE YOUR TIME LOOKING FOR YOUR MOTHER, SHE'S ALREADY BECOME A CARPET FOR SOMEONE'S HOUSE!" The boy froze as he heard those words, a salty tear ran down his cheek, of course he knew his mother was dead, but turning her fur into a carpet was absolutely cruel. Cole and his mother entered the room and looked at the boy who had buried his head in his arms, "are you alright honey?" Said Cole's mother "why did you want to lie to the men, what did they mean with the carpet thing?"

Then there was a loud 'BANG' the men from before barged in the house, the boy raised his head and looked around with his eyes on verge of crying, but he had to look for a spot to hide. The men opened all the doors they could find, Cole's mother tried to stop them but they just pushed her to the ground along with Cole who was behind her. When they got to the boy's room they swung the door wide open and as soon as they saw the boy they smiled "well, well, well, who do we have here?" They said as they slowly approached the boy from all the angles, then one of them grabbed him and pulled him up, he kept him tight in his arm as he exited the room "stop! He's injured! You can't take him!" Said Cole's mother but the men just said "of course he is injured, we injured him, how else were we supposed to catch the cub?". Cole's mother looked at them confused 'cub?' She thought. The boy struggled and kicked in the men's grip, then he suddenly bit the hand of the man who was holding him, he fell to the ground and ran to the door but one of the men blocked it so he ran to the kitchen and jumped out the glass window. The men ran after him in the garden and he stumbled and tripped as he ran, until one of the men grabbed him from the shirt, the boy growled at him, he knew he had no choice but turn, ecxept he didn't want to be feared by the people who saved him. The boy chose not to turn but to fight back, he kicked one of the men in th face and landed a punch in another one's solar plexus then he grabbed another one's head and bashed it into his knee, soon enough all the men had fainted on the ground. Cole and his parents were surprised to see the boy's moves and stared at him, the boy knew he couldn't stay there any longer so he ran towards the 3 meter tall fence and jumped over it, then he ran towards the forest "wait! Yeti!! Don't go!" He heard the family call but the boy couldn't put them in danger so he kept running, when he reached the forest he turned back into his original form since he knew running on four legs was faster, he ran and ran without stopping until he reached a clearing with a waterfall.

He stopped to drink and as he leaned down he noticed there was a cave hidden behind the waterfall. The boy entered the water and swam with his four paws until he reached the waterfall, there he took a deep breath and went underwater, when he came back to the surface he found himself in a cave with tiny holes on the top, enough for light to enter 'perfect' he thought as he explored the cave. It wasn't large but it was big enough for him so he decided to spend the next years in there, he took many trips outside to gather materials that would make the cave liveable, wood to make shelves, a table, chairs, a bed, moss to make carpets and blankets, rocks to engrave stairs in the stone and various scraps he could find to make basic utensils. After days of work the boy could finally rest in his cave, he was satisfied and was willing to live there for the rest of his life if he had to.

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