On one glorious day, a young gentleman- fresh from the Bar- shadowed the steps of the Roy's magnificent mansion. The residents looked at him in disbelief- how could anyone believe that this was the same boy who used to sit idle for hours on the ghats of the river and dream so high that he seemed to talk to stars ?
But look here! Who is the young maiden beside him? She stood like a Goddess consort beside the gentleman. Her fair bosom made the white daisies wilt in shame- her hair resembled the ripe crop in the countryside and her face glowed while her long skirt flowed- unknown of what she had done.
She looked up from the bottom of the stairs with her huge extravagant overshadowing her beauty. She was English.
Everyone was shocked. They realised what he had done.
Deb's father was red- half in shame and half in anger
"You went to a foreign land to study and you dare to come back and blemish our family's reputation ? You married another woman while your child-wife was still alive!"
"Another ABLE woman- a woman who will really understand my tastes, my life and my habits. This woman beside me, my wife Clara, is the daughter of a well established man from London. She deserves respec-"
"Enough, boy! Your idle dreams have instilled such tremendous ambition that you can barely think right! Where is Charulata?"
A commotion arose. They looked for her in the walls and floors of the huge mansion. Perhaps she was lost in the melee, they thought.
Only the quiet River spoke. The little bird had sought refugee in her. Charu had drowned a while ago while praying.
The Pact between us both
Historia CortaIn a lonely river ghat of the Mighty Ganges, two honeyed flowers blossomed unnoticed.