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Buying mangoes for the young woman, Pin seems to be in a better mood. That gave Bank some relief. After finishing the meal, Phai has the intending to take Ingfah to see a storybook, but Pin wants to give a
walk and look at baby items.

"P' Pin, if it's a girl, you can come and get something here. There are
many items that I haven't used. I still have them. I haven't given them to
anyone. " Bank said with much hope. Phai thinks it's a good thing.

"No, I want to buy something new for my baby. Phai, let's go for a walk
and look at your baby's things. "  the woman invited her lover.

"Can I take Ingfah to see a book first?" Phai asked.

"P'Phai, take P'Pin to see the things that are used for children. I'll
take Ingfah to see the storybook myself. I'll see you later" Bank cuts the
script because he doesn't want the pregnant woman to be upset. Phai
frowned slightly, because he had already promised Ingfah that he would
take her shopping.

" I Can explain it to Ingfah myself. "  Bank knew what he was thinking. So he
helped him speak in his place. There was a slight hesitation on his face.

"You can go to the bookstore after you're done looking around. " Bank
offered again. Phai nodded before crouching down in front of Ingfah.

"Ingfah, Uncle will take Aunt Pin to buy things first. We will go to the
bookstore ourselves. Ingfah is going to choose with Father Bank." Saying
nothing, Ingfah turned to look at her father. Bank smiled.

"Let's choose first. Let Uncle Phai and Aunt Pin go shopping" Bank said.

Ingfah also nodded with a wide smile.
Phai smiled happily. Before Bank
took his daughter's hand and walked to the bookstore, Phai took Pin to find
baby supplies.

"Phai seems to be very fond of Ingfah. " Pin asked as they walked to look at
things together.

"Um, Ingfah is cute, she's a good girl too. Bank and her parents taught
her well"  Phai said with a smile.

"And if you have a son, will Phai love him more than Ingfah?" the woman
asked, Phai frowned slightly.

"No.  I'm here." Phai said, caressing the girl's belly with her hand.

"That's all. Pin wants to know who you will love more between your son
and your niece. " Pin asked again.

"It's different, Pin. When we have children, we must devote our physical
and mental energy to our children first. But we can also take care of our
nephews, no matter who we love more, we can love equally, but it's up to
us to prioritize who is more important" Pin nods without saying more
about this.


"I don't have this one at home yet. "  the girl took a storybook and handed it
to her father.

"Here, show it to Daddy. " Bank said, taking his daughter's book and
opening it for a quick look, seeing that the house didn't really have it.

"Then take this book too. " Bank said, Ingfah immediately nodding with a

"So this is uncle's niece's voice." a breathy voice called causing both Ingfah
and Bank to turn to look before seeing that it was Pom.

"Ao Pom, are you shopping?" Bank greeted him, while Ingfah raised her
hand to pay homage to Pom without Bank having to say it.

"My mom told me to come buy things at the supermarket. So I came to
look at a book and l heard a sound like Ingfah, so l came to take a look. "

Pom replied before picking up Ingfah. Ingfah hastened to put her hand on
Pom's face.

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