Demon lord dragon, Batzz

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Izuku PoV
"Alright class this is dragon world" the teacher said. Everyone Including me was in shock. We were at a crater in the shape on an X. "I bet all the dragon here are nothing but talk! Brawlzeus can beat them all easily!" Katchan said. "Heck yeah" his buddy said. "Come on Katchan. There is at least one dragon that will give you a challenge." I say. "Yeah me!" ????said. I was startled be the voice. "Did you hear that?" I ask. "Hear what you nerd!" "Never mind" I say. Just as we meet our guide in dragon world I hear the voice again. "Hey kid! You can hear me can't you!" It said again. 'What is that? I have to find out!' I think. They let us wander around the crater for a while and I find a weird building in it. "You finally found me." ??? Said. I start to walk towards the building and I can start to see a buddyfight card pack floating in front of it. "Wait! Stay away from there!" The guide said. As I start to grab the Card pack. By the time I actually hear them I had already tore open the card pack. The building in front of me Starts to collapse as a dragon starts to come out of it. "Finally I am free! Hey what is your name kid."???? Said. "Izuku Midoriya. What is yours?" I ask . "I am Barlbatzz DragoRoyale the first! The strongest dragon in dragon world!"

After the exchange my idol Captain answer showed up. Apparently he was expecting Batzz to be unsealed one day. Apparently Armor Deity, Dynamis asked Captain answer to do a favor for her. If Barlbatzz DragoRoyale the first is ever unsealed challenge him and whoever unsealed him to a buddyfight. The Dragon who sealed him away said that only the person that can help him trust in others can undo his seal. But in this day and age there are many other ways of undoing it.

"So what do you say all mighty Demon lord dragon?" He said. "Deal you shrimp! Come to me Almighty Thunder Empire!" Cards start to fly out of his seal and gather in my hands. "Use those to make a deck kid." Batzz said. I quickly make a deck and I am in a buddyfight with my Idol.

"I won't be using my real deck against you since you are kind of a newbie. But it still isn't a slouch!" Captain answer said.

"Awaken! The strongest dragon in the World! Luminize! Demon lord Dragons fury!

"Justice is a light that will never shatter! Luminize! Shining answer!"

"I will go first young one. Charge and draw! I transform into Captain answer! I attack you!"

Izuku LP :8

End of move
"I Draw! Charge and Draw! I pay 1 gauge and equip Gemini stone sword! I call raid officer delta to the left and Blusterous brat Roller to the right! I activate my items ability and increase its power to 7000!"

Captain answer LP: 9

"Delta! Attack the fighter!" I say. "I cast! Justice will prevail!" He said. He counterattacked and destroyed delta! "Then blusterous brat roller Attack!"

Captain answer LP: 7

End of move!

"I draw charge and draw! I cast Its about time I got serious! I call first warrior einder to the right and third warrior Drieder to the left! I activate my ability! I failed to get double attack! Einder attack the fighter!" He said. "Roller! Move to the center!" I say. "Then drieder! Attack the fighter!"

Izuku LP: 6

"Now I attack!" He said. "I cast Arc dragon shield and draw 1 card!" I said.  "I end my turn!"

"My turn! I draw charge and draw! I call replenisher pentar to the left! His effect let's me draw 1 card. I call schimitar weilder krvar to the right! Krvar attack the fighter!" I said. "I cast! There! I see it" he said. Krvar is destroyed. "Due to his effect I gain 1 gauge and life!"

Izuku LP: 7

"Pentar attack the fighter with me! My items effect increases his critical by 1!" I say. "I cast! I've seen through your moves!"

End of move!

"I draw! Charge and Draw! I call second warrior zwider! To the center! I cast hyper energy! Then I cast Fighting for the sake of others! I put all of the monsters on my field into the soul of Infinitite robo mathematics! I use my ability! I get double Attack! Attack the fighter!"

Izuku LP: 5

"Double Attack!"

Izuku LP: 3

"Now I'll attack you!"

Izuku LP:

"That nerd is about to lose! That deku really is useless." Katchan said. " Sorry but I will finish you Now!" Captain answer responded. "I cast! Arc dragon shield!" I say. "You like cutting it close huh kid." Batzz said. "I'm Just setting the stage for you." I say.

"I draw! Charge and draw! Time to do this! I buddy call Demon lord Dragon Batzz to the right!" I say

Izuku LP:2

"I cast a distinguished replenisher!"

Izuku LP: 3

"Batzz, Pentaur and I will do a triple link attack!" I shout. "I cast! I've seen through your moves!" Captain answer said. "Batzz double attack!"
Captain answer LP: 5
"Impressive strength Batzz! But your turn is over young Midoriya!" Captain answer said. "Not yet helmet head!" Batzz said. "You see since I have less than 4 life points Batzz has a-" "Triple attack!" Batzz finished.

Captain answer LP: 3

I decide to end the buddyfight with the Impact card I just drew. "Beware kid. If you use that impact card you might not survive." Batzz said. "I will never know what I am capable of until at try! Final phase!" I say.

Batzz jumps into the air and transforms into a giant lance. I try to lift it as Batzz power flows into me. The weight of the spear and Batzz power start to overwhelm me! I am almost lost when-


"Hey mom. Can I be a buddyfighter someday?" I say. "Of course you can. Just give every buddyfight 100%. Never hold back!" She said

Flashback over

I start to control myself and Batzz power. Half of my body turns dragonic and I get Batzz's gauntlet. I jump up into the sky! "I cast! Thunder lance! X Tempest Buster!"

game end Winner! Izuku Midoriya!

"Impressive kid. Your still kicking. That's never happened before." Batzz said. "R-really?" I say nervously. "But you! How dare you lose on purpose!" Batzz said. "What do you mean?" Captain answer responded. "That last card in your hand was I'm standing right here!" Batzz said. "But why? you would have still been the Buddyfight with that card! why didn't you use it?" I ask. "Because I didn't need to. That Impact card was the only thing I needed to see. Here." He says as He throws something at me. It turns out to be a core deck case. "I have a feeling that Batzz is going to ask you to be his buddy after this." Captain answer said before leaving.

when I got home Batzz was a major handful. I got myself a very powerful and Troublesome buddy.

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