Criminal buddyfighter?

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Izuku PoV

It has been almost 2 months since Batzz came. Katchan has been restless with our buddyfight. My win rate now is 75% wins. 25% losses. Batzz doesn't mind since he has a rival now. Today someone wanted to prove who was the strongest.

"Hey! Your buddy is Batzz right?" ???? Said. "That's right. What that got to do with you?" Batzz said. "I'll be the won who will take you for myself!" He said. "Fat chance! I'm this kids buddy and we will destroy you in a buddyfight!" Batzz said. Before I even knew it I was in a buddyfight with him.

Awaken! The strongest dragon in the World! Luminize! Demon lord Dragons fury!

Luminize! Masked Armorknight!

"I charge and draw! I call Armorknight ogre to the center attack the fighter!" He said.

Izuku LP: 8

"I draw charge and draw! I equip Gemini stone sword! I call all rounder warrior Tetra to the right and raid officer delta to the left! Tetra! Attack Ogre!" I say


???? Lp: 8

"Delta Attack the fighter! And my gauge increases by one!" I say. "I cast battle aura circle!" ???? Said. "I increase my items critical by 1 and attack with it!"

???? LP: 6

"I draw! I call Armorknight salamander to the center! buddy call to the center Armorknight demon!"

???? LP: 7

I equip! Boulder piercing spear! I call Armorknight Eagle to the right! Eagle attack the fighter!" ???? Said. "Tetra! Move to the center!" Now! Demon attack the fighter!"

Izuku LP: 5

"Double attack!" ???? Said.

Izuku LP: 2

"My turn! I draw! Charge and draw! I Buddy call Demon lord Dragon Batzz to the right! When I have 4 life or less Batzz gets 3000 power and triple attack! I cast a distinguished replenisher!. I gain 3 guage and 1 life.  Now Batzz attack Armorknight Demon!" I said. "I cast battle spirit unite! counterattack on Batzz! Destroy him!" he said. Batzz was blasted with a stream of energy but he wasn't destroyed. "Why wasn't he destroyed!" he said. " he said "when it is my turn Batzz cant be destroyed no matter what! double attack!" I said. I finally cleared the center. "Now attack the the fighter!" I said. "I am the strongest demon ever!" Batzz said.

???? LP: 5 

"Now Delta! attack Eagle and boost my gauge again! now I'll increase my Items critical again and attack you!" I said. "Phoenix wall" ???? said. 

???? LP: 4

'I haven't used this card since I buddyfought Captain Answer. But it is the only way that I will win and Keep Batzz!' "Final phase! I cast Thunder lance! X Tempest Buster!" 

???? LP:0

Game end. winner Izuku midoriya! 

I was holding my right arm in pain when the buddy police showed up. The guy I beat was Demo Insighty, a criminal fighter. the Buddyfight was also streamed online too to everyone saw me buddyfight the only criminal to escape captain answer in years.  

3rd person PoV 

'I can't believe this kid survived the impact twice. he might actually be something else.' Batzz thought.

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