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    It's Math class and the only class I have with both lip and Jake. They sit just the two  of them at a four person table across the room. My eyes always seem to drift towards them. Man, I really miss them. The teacher finally walks in. "Alright class, don't be mad but remember the semester long project I informed you about? After thinking it through I've decided to assign partners." The entire class groans at this and my heart speeds up. I was planning on doing this project with Layla who's in the popular group, it wouldn't make a scratch on my reputation.

    I look over at her in fear and she just puts her head on the table and sighs. The teacher speaks again "I'm glad you all are excited about it" she says sarcastically "anyways, the partners are....Layla and Lip" Layla immediately stands up to complain but the teacher shuts her down right away. After this I tune everything out until I hear my name "Lilah and Jake" My head shoots up and my eyes dart to Jake to see his reaction. He looks...neutral. I thought he'd at least have some kind of reaction. I bite my lip out of stress and look to Layla. She looks mad.

    "This is so unfair" she says "we both got assigned the freaks!! The teacher definitely did this on purpose. It's likes she WANTS to ruin our reputations".   " Layla it's okay...we'll just let them do the work?" I say but immediately regret saying it. I know I would never do that to Jake, but I know Layla would definitely do that to Lip. "You're a genius Lilah! Why didn't I think about that before" she giggles. "Wait Lay-" I start to say but the teacher interrupts me. "Alright let's get into our partners please" Layla immediately walks over with a groan and I see Jake slowly approaching my table.

    My heart is racing and I don't even know how I'm gonna get words out. "Hey.." he says to me quietly as he sits downs "Hi Jake.. It's um it's been a while" I say. He nods but doesn't say anything as he pulls out his laptop. "I was thinking we could go to my moms restaurant and use that" he says hesitantly. "Huh" I say confused. "For the project...my moms restaurant...I think it's a good example of a woman built small business" He says. "Oh right..right the project..umm yea that's perfect." I stutter out. I haven't seen Jakes mom since me and Jake were friends. She probably hates me. "So when should we go?" I ask. "Well we have all semester. If you want I can just do the work. It's easier since I go to the restaurant a lot anyways. You probably don't wanna be seen with me outside of school...well or inside." He states. Does he really think that??? I guess he has no reason not too.

    "No, Jake I want to help." I say "I think we should go next week, I'm only available on Wednesday so it's fine if you can't do that day. I'm just thinking the sooner we finish this the less stress." He looks shocked, do I really seem that cruel? "Uhm yea sure, I'm free pretty much all days , I just have to check with Lip..to see if well you know" he says. I did know. Lips parents are, not the best people. They hurt him, mentally and physically. He used to stay at my house too...back when we were friends. Now he just goes to Jakes, very often. "Lip can come too" I'm quick to say. "I uh- I don't mind." Guilt floods me as I think about what Lip goes through and how his school life definitely doesn't help his situation.

"Ok, if you're sure it's okay." He says hesitantly. "I'm sure! It'll be like old times" I laugh awkwardly. He frowns slightly and faintly nods. I look down in sadness and continue to research for the start of our essay. Class ends and everyone gets up to leave. I see Jake about to head back towards Lip and I stop him. "Uhm Jake I'll see you next Wednesday. And uh tell Lip I say hi." I say. He nods and continues walking towards Lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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