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I screwed up

I watched him struggle.
The tears brimming in his eyes as they took him away.

This was not supposed to happened


Why can't i do anything?

I thought i was strong?


His voice echoed through my head

I looked up

I saw his pleading eyes looking at me.

I looked away,

It hurts seeing him.

I turned away,

I felt a sharp pain in my head.

Memories flooded in,

"I will never! I will never ever leave you Abbygail!"

His smile,the only smile that can melt my ice cold heart.

"You know, whatever i do everything just reminded me about you"

He pouted looking directly into my eyes.

"Please don't take her! Take me instead! Please don't hurt her! I'm begging"

A blurry sight of him begging to those people to spare my life.

"Abby please don't give up, you know I'm always here for you. Don't let your grades define you it's alright."

He gave me my lemon juice to cheer me up.

Hundreds of memories flashed like a lightning bolt.

Some were familiar,
Some were not,
Some I can't remember.


Because those guys...

Made me lose those.

Remembering it all, my vision turned



je pense que je t'aime | Book 1| Where stories live. Discover now