The auction?

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"Ghad! It's early in the morning, who is this?"

It's literally 2:38 AM and i just got a call like the hell.

"Hello girly!"

"Calling me girly won't make me know who you are"

Ughhh!! I need my beauty sleep!

"It's Ellene."

Hearing that my eyes shot opened.

She's a very close friend of mine from highschool.

"Oh sorry i didn't realize that it was you, what did you call about?"

I sat up on my bed, scrubbing the boogers out of my eyes waiting for her response.


She sounds serious.

"There's this auction event that I've been invited by our classmate in highschool"

Ohh.. an auction?


"Do you still remember Rayz?"

"Rayz?... Hmm.. the wattpad addict? The innocent looking but completely opposite? Yep definitely"

"Awoop- anyways she owns chains of hotels, and one of class toppers back then Xianmar, wants to hold a Auction event"

I know where this is going ..

" I see, so i guess this is gonna be another reunion event?"

"You guessed it right!"

She squeeled making me almost throw my phone away from my ear.

"So that's it right? I need my sleep, good nigh-"

Before i could press 'end call' she said

"I found some evidence"

My sleepiness completely disappeared, this is another information i need.

"Tell me"

"That's the problem, we can't talk about it on the phone that's why i need you to come to the event"

Damn she got me there, she knows i hate big boring events.

"Ughh fine"

"Alrighty, it's settled June 14, 2023
3:30 pm on Hotel Obsidian, 7th floor, event room 64. I'll call Rayz to send but ü you an invitation card, see you next week. Mwaps"

And by that she ended the call with a smooch sound effect.


"Hey abby! Wake up! It's already 8:37 am you're gonna miss your hair appointment!"

I was passionately kissing my pillow in my sleep when someone kept shaking me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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