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"i've liked you since i met you"


i groan and hop into the passenger seat of pedris green car. he slides in beside me and sends a smirk my way, i roll my eyes.

i look through rearview mirror to see mallory typing something on her phone, a small smile present on her face. i hate her stupid smile.

pedri backs out and the second we make it out of the parking garage, we are bombarded with fans. pedri looks at me and mal for approval before rolling down the windows.

we both nod and pedri presses the small button signaling the windows to fall. hundreds of fans crowd around the car asking for autographs from the three of us. the road is busy, and it feels like the line of people never ends.

i feel uncomfortable and try to eye pedri to tell him i want to leave, but he doesn't take the hint. i like signing things for fans, but i hate how constant it is.

i am always being surrounded, people asking for pictures and taking videos of me. i feel as if i never have privacy or any space to myself.

i want to roll up my window so badly and drive away but because of the other two people in the car i don't. i look through the rearview mirror again, and i can tell by the look in her eyes that mallory is uncomfortable as well.

i hate her more than anything, but i know that us being the same age presents us with basically all the same issues. i sign a couple more shirts and take a couple more pictures before smacking pedris arm. "vamos." i whisper, hoping he'll finally drive away.

finally, he takes the hint and says goodbye to the people near his window. we drive off, as people pound on the car doors and windows, trying to take pictures and videos through the thick glass.

i pull my hood over my head and pull out my phone to watch tiktok. immediately, edits of the women's barca game today start to appear on my for you page.

i try and scroll through them but they seem to be never ending. i eventually give in and just watch them. many of them are just good plays, but a lot of them are of mal and that redhead on the other team.

i smirk as i watch a video of an enraged mallory shoving that girl to the ground, without any hesitation. the thought of mal angry, enlightens my mood. but i can't lie, she looked pretty badass today.

"stop watching edits of me, you creep." mallory says leaning her chin on the top of my chair near shoulder. i can practically hear the cockiness roll off her tongue and i roll my eyes.

"i'm not watching edits of you." i reply, but the videos of her that keep appearing as i swipe down aren't helping my argument. she laughs, her warm breath fanning across my neck. "i wouldn't wanna watch anything that has your face in it anyways."

she smacks the side of my head and shrugs, leaning back into her seat. i whip around to look at her, but she doesn't meet my gaze. "what the fuck." i rub the side of my head where she hit me, dramatically, even though it barely hurts. "don't act like you don't hear me." i say through gritted teeth.

she really knows how to get under my skin, and ignoring me is one of those things. she shrugs and looks up at me innocently. "i hear you, i'm just pretending i don't." she gives me a cocky smile and pulls out her phone.

i groan and roll around back into my seat. i hate her. i hate her so fucking much it's not even funny. i pull my fingers through my hair angrily and pedri gives me a side eye. "okay guys!" he claps his hands together, trying to lighten the mood. "where do we want to go?"

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