dancing through our house with the ghost of you

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Hyunjin had been banging on the elders door for around five minutes now.

"Hyung! Get your drunk ass downstairs and let me in!" The blonde shouted. After Minho had been ignoring his texts from the last couple hours again, Hyunjin knew better than to leave Minho alone.

Hyunjin was well aware Minho would get irritated with how much he pestered him. Hyunjin would allow the purple headed boy to be alone for the most part if it weren't for the circumstance of the last few months.

Hyunjin was honestly scared to leave Minho unattended for too long. He knew the elder had a habit of being a walking-former-shell of himself by day, and a raging alcoholic by night. Whenever Minho ignored him for too long, Hyunjin felt unsettled to say the least.

When Hyunjin thought Minho had rock bottom, somehow Minho would make the ground disappear to fall even lower.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, and beat down on the poor wooden door once more. "Don't make me use the spare key." He called out.

Once again, Hyunjin was greeted with silence.

The blonde stepped back from the door, and crossed his arms to wait for his older friend to answer. He started tapping his feet on the ground and chewing his lips as an anxious habit. Hyunjin tried to give Minho time to possibly crawl out of his bed in a hungover state, and shuffle towards the door. However, Minho never came.

Hyunjin began to rub his head in frustration. "Why did I even bother." He mumbled to himself. The boy bent down in front of one of the potted plants and lifted it ever so slightly to retrieve the spare key hidden underneath. Hyunjin then proceeded to shove it into the keyhole to open the house.

Hyunjin pushed the door open with caution, just in case he were to scare Minho.

"Minho hyung? It's Hyunjin." He announced himself. He scanned the area briefly, but didn't find Minho nearby. Hyunjin frowned at Jisung's favorite coffee mug sitting in front of the television, knowing well Minho stayed far away from it. Hyunjin sighed to himself as he made his way in the house, and shut the door behind him. "I came to check up on you."

Hyunjin knit his eyebrows together as a foreign feeling settled in his stomach, the aura around him making him feel uneasy. Something just didn't feel right. Maybe the absolute silence that hung around the house was what did it for him.

Hyunjin shrugged his bag off and set it on the chair in the living room before trudging up the stairs. "This boy better be asleep."

As Hyunjin reached the top of the staircase, he immediately shifted to the right to walk towards the elder's room. He approached the door, which was already wide open. Hyunjin thought to himself that Minho must've been drunk out of his mind to leave the door open to sleep, because the purple headed boy always refused to even leave it cracked.

"Hyung?" The view of the bedroom was now all soaking in Minho's eyes, and he scanned around, eventually finding his friend curled up in a ball on the floor.

"Gosh, hyung, you couldn't even make it to your bed?" Hyunjin pestered, making his way to Minho and bent down. He began to shake Minho's body lightly to wake him up.

"Hyung, get up. I wanna help you to bed."

Hyunjin didn't get a response.

The blonde boy began to shake Minho a little harder this time. "Minho, wake up." He called out a little louder. However, Hyunjin questioned why the volume didn't reach his ears, and why it looked like he wasn't breathing.

Why isn't he breathing...

A seed of doubt planted in Hyunjin's head, and once it crossed his mind, his heart began to race down an endless track.

"No." He mumbled to himself. Hyunjin immediately turned Minho to face upwards, where he saw the boy's face a couple shades lighter than normal. He began to cup his cheeks, noticing Minho's skin wasn't as warm as it should've felt. Hyunjin's eyes were struck with horror as they filled with tears that rapidly produced.

"Hyung?" Hyunjin chokes. He brings to shaking fingers to Minho's neck, pressing down right below his jawline.



White was all he saw.

Minho groaned before opening his eyes, the blinding light shining through his lids. He brings a hand to shelter over his eyes as he slowly opens them, having a hard time adjusting to the light.

"What?" He talks to himself, unsure of where he is.

Minho is surrounded by an all white scenery, and a fog that hovered above the ground. It seems that there was no form of color or form of life anywhere nearby.

Until Minho heard footsteps coming towards him.

Minho sat up, and his breath was nearly caught in his throat by the site. His hand covers his mouth in shock, tears welling up before Minho could even register what was happening. He silently weeped as Jisung made his way over with a gentle smile dancing across his lips.

The brunette bent down in front of his husband, happy to be reunited with his lover.

"Welcome home Min."


The End

ghost of you // minsungWhere stories live. Discover now