if i can dream long enough

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Minho opened the front door of his house frantically and shook the umbrella to force the rain off of its surface. It had been pouring heavily outside and Minho couldn't wait to get home and make himself and his husband dinner.

He shut the front door behind him and put the umbrella away, shrugging his coat off soon after. "Jisung?" Minho called out. He didn't receive an answer and was only surrounded by the sound of the air vent.

Minho hummed to himself, assuming Jisung wasn't home. Minho thought to himself that he'll make some seolleongtang for dinner to combat the cold and wet weather. He'd keep the pot on the stove on a simmer for when Jisung came home.

"He's probably still at work." Minho mumbled to himself. He fished out his phone from his pocket and ran upstairs to charge the phone. It had been dead for a few hours so Minho had only hoped that no one would call for anything important.

Soon enough, seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. Minho calmly made the soup for himself and Jisung while his phone charged, but the longer he was by himself, the more anxious Minho felt. Jisung never stayed out this late after work, especially because it was raining.

He also wondered why Jisung hadn't returned home yet.

It had been around two hours since Minho got home and he sat at the empty dining room table, eating the dinner he made. He decided to grab his phone from upstairs after charging for a while, hoping that maybe the younger would call soon. Minho hated that he was looking around for a mop of long brown hair and kept his ears perked for a a loud and light hearted laugh.

A manic buzz rang on the dining room table, signaling that Minho was getting a phone call. Without looking at any caller ID, Minho's arm shot across the table to hit the green button. He put the phone next to his ear with a relief washing over him. Minho could feel his heart rate immediately slowing down.

"Baby?" Minho greeted, assuming Jisung was on the other line. However, Minho was thrown for a loop when a deeper voice was heard on the other line.

"Good evening, is this Lee Minho?"

A chill ran down Minho's spine and he gulped. "This is he."

"Good evening, Minho. This is the Seoul police department."

"Oh," Minho choked out, looking outside the window. There were no stars outside tonight and only grey clouds rolling in to pour down onto the town. "What did you need?"

A sigh could be heard through the phone. "Gosh how do I put this." The officer mumbled to himself.

Minho's eyes darted back into his soup, and his head suddenly began to feel fuzzy. "Put what officer?" Minho's voice ran cold.

"You are the spouse of Lee Jisung, former name Han, correct?"

His hands began to shake and a lump grew in his throat. Minho sensed this impending doom looming around him, as if a rain cloud from outside was prepared to come down on him.

"Y-Yes. What's going on with Jisung?" Minho questioned.

"About an hour and a half ago, we got word of a crash."

Minho's heart fell into his stomach and tears pricked his eyes, falling immediately on his cheeks. Minho pleaded inside his mind that Jisung was really okay, and they were calling to let him know that Jisung needed a ride back home.

"A young man was t boned in his blue car by a boy who doesn't have his license."

"S-Sir, where's Jisung?" Minho tried to stay decently calm throughout the phone call, but it was hard to when he felt like his heart was shattering and the pieces had been scattering in his stomach.

"The boy couldn't see very well from the rain and didn't see where he was going and he crashed into the car. We pulled the man out of his car-"

"Please," Minho begged as he dug into his lower lip, and his right hand was balled into a fist. He tried to control his tears and convince himself that Jisung was not gone. He would rather take news that Jisung was badly injured or that there must've been a mistake. "Please just tell me what's happened to Jisung."

"We pulled the man out of his car and he had already passed. The name on his ID was.. Lee Jisung sir."

Minho sucked in a large amount of oxygen, but it felt like the oxygen had stabbed him with the uncomfortable breath in his lungs. Suddenly everything became blurry, and his head was spinning. His stomach wouldn't stop churning, and Minho wanted to throw up from the sheer panic. Minho swore his heart stopped and had been ripped to shreds by hand. He felt his entire world collapsing in a matter of seconds.

Minho automatically leaned forward in his seat, lacking a control over his body. He choked out a loud and hysterical sob as everything has just crashed and burned. His whole face was wet within a few seconds from the amount of tears that left his eyes.

A world where Jisung no longer lives in.

His Hannie. His love. His world.

It was stripped away from Minho. How could he even attempt to live without him?

Something Minho couldn't have fathomed had struck him so soon and unexpectedly. And how could anyone ever prepare for that?

Minho's head hit the table, and he sobbed miserably. The purple headed boy couldn't wrap his head around the fact that his precious gem, his light, his husband was no longer breathing and not coming back home like he should've.

"Mr. Lee," the forgotten police officer has called out to the hysterical man. "I'm sorry for your loss."

Minho faintly heard the sound of beeping, which meant the officer had hung up the phone. The phone had been long forgotten though, because Minho's world has completely halted. There was nothing that could've come across his mind besides the thought of Jisung and how he desperately wished he could've hugged him one last time.


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