The Ever & The Never

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You awoke to the sounds of the birds chirping just outside your bedroom's window. They were singing a beautiful melody; harmonizing with one another to create the most pleasant song. You yawned as you rose, looking around at your roommates beds, to see if anyone else was awake. They were not; but they each looked beautiful in the soft golden light of the sun that was creeping in through your window.

As you rose from your bed, shuffling across the cold stone floor to your bathroom, you heard the rustling of the bed next to yours; your best friends. As she stirred, Odette's long golden locks flowed around her shoulders, curling at the ends, making her look effortlessly perfect, even this early in the morning. You had to admit, sometimes you were jealous of her beauty; but you were constantly reminded that every princess is beautiful in their own way...though technically you weren't even a princess.

At least not that you knew of.

"Good morning, Thea," she hummed, as she rubbed her eyes and sat up to look at you.

"Morning," you whispered back as you turned to face her. "Sleep okay?"

She nodded. "You?"

You shrugged. "I slept fine. I'm a little nervous about today though."

"Me too," she admitted, as she slipped out of her sheets. "But I'm also excited. Getting our finger glow is a big deal!"

You smiled. "That it is Dette, that it is," you hummed, as you continued your trek to the bathroom.

By the time you'd finished brushing your teeth and washing your face, three of your roommates, including Odette, had crowded themselves into the bathroom to begin primping.

"Lady Alaida said we need to look our best today, but look at this blemish on my face!" Genevieve exclaimed, as she pushed her body over the counter to get closer to the mirror.

"Oh hush Gen, it's miniscule, you look fine!" Odette spat, as she nudged her out of the way so that she could reach the powder puff.

"What color dress is everyone wearing?" Leah asked as she strolled into the bathroom, a silk robe tied tightly around her waist. "I'm trying to decide between pink or blue."

"I'm wearing gold," you answered.

Odette chuckled. "You always wear gold."

You turned to her and smirked. "It runs in the blood darling."

She smiled as she turned back to continue running mascara over her eyelashes. "Well, then it looks like we'll match, because I'm wearing gold too."

"The more the merrier," you cooed, as you backed away from the crowded bathroom counter and quickly disappeared back into the bedroom.

Everyone except for Arianna had crammed themselves into the small space, so you decided it would be easier if you primped in the groom room.

"Do you want to join me? I think I'm going to go get ready in the groom room." You said to Arianna as you grabbed your things.

Her gaze rose to meet yours from her vanity, where she had been braiding her hair. "Oh, thank the gods, yes! That seems like a great idea." She scooted her stool backwards and began to collect the things she needed.

At that moment, Odette peaked her head out of the bathroom door. "Did you say you're going to the groom room?" She questioned.

You nodded.

She disappeared back into the bathroom for a moment before bolting out of the door, half her hair pinned up in curlers and only one side of her eye makeup done. "I'm coming with you. There is not nearly enough space in that little bathroom for all of us."

The Gift of Good and Evil One Shots: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now