A Night Out

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((Y/N)'s POV)

The girls were getting dressed in fancy dresses like we were going to our high school prom and when they were done they gave me a tux that was a little big for me, but I just rolled up the sleeves.

The girls were getting dressed in fancy dresses like we were going to our high school prom and when they were done they gave me a tux that was a little big for me, but I just rolled up the sleeves

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Maria got the tie and when we were all ready we left the house, but Tina and Chelsie held both of my arms. We walked through town and soon made it to a restaurant that used to be a place I knew, but since the owner was a guy I guess it's under new management and is now called "A Lover's Dream" and the slogan was "The safest and most divine restaurant in the world".

(Y/N)'s mind-What does 'safest' have to do with anything?

When we got up to the door Maria knocked on it then the door opened and we were let inside, but when the doors closed someone was there to lock it with a key and she spoke with a woman up front.

Maria-Hello, I have a reservation under Maria.

Hostess-Maria... Oh yes, table for 4 and right on time. Follow me, please.

We walked through the restaurant and there were bars on the windows and all doors had security, even the bathroom doors. We made it to our table and she put the menus down.

Hostess-Other than drinks to start you off, will you need any restraints for your boyfriend?

Tina-No, that won't be necessary and we'll all start off with pink lemonade.

Hostess-Ok then.

She left and we all looked at the menus. The food looked so good from the pictures and the rib-eye steak comes with a baked potato with cheese and bacon bits, that sounds good...

(Y/N)'s mind-Wait a minute! Damn it (Y/N), stay focused!

I took a quick look around and saw this place was like a fancy prison for men and it had tight security. I tried to look for a way to sneak away, but that was impossible. I guess this is what the slogan meant by 'safest' so for now I had to play along.

 I guess this is what the slogan meant by 'safest' so for now I had to play along

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Dinner was so good and they even let me feed myself and may I just add that this is my new favorite restaurant...


Maria-How's your food honey?

(Y/N)-Uh, good.

Tina-Only the best for you. ~

She leaned in and kissed me and we went back to eating then soon some guy booked it and threw me to the ground to slow some girl down and while he was running for the front door security was walking to him and the hostess and the doorkeeper girl just stared as he tried to open the door, but it didn't budge.


He was surrounded by women then grabbed and a woman came over with a rope tied him up before he was dragged back to his table and his 'girlfriend' looked disappointed and embarrassed. If I convinced myself just a tiny bit to make a run for it, that could've been me just now.

Chelsie-Poor girl.

Maria-Lucky for her this place is meant to keep men from escaping once their inside.

Tina-Hey Maria, how did you find this place? I never heard of this place, it's so new.

Maria-Oh, I didn't, Chelsie did.

Chelsie-I found it while looking up training methods and this place is supposed to be highly enjoyable and safe to bring somewhat rebellious boyfriends. Always looking for new hires.

Tina-New hires?... What benefits do you get?

Chelsie-15% employee discount, medical and dental, and retrieval expenses are completely paid for if for some reason (Y/N) tried to run again.

Maria-Is some kind of union?

Chelsie-I think so.

Tina-Hmmm... Be right back.

She left the table and Chelsie took her seat and leaned in.

Chelsie-Hey baby, you need some help? ~


Chelsie-Well too bad.~

She took my fork from me and got some potatoes and I can't believe that she was doing this in public and when I looked around I saw that I wasn't the only guy having this problem or it was in reverse. I let her feed me because I didn't want there to be any problems with security and me since now the guy the did try something just ended up tied down to a chair. The food was still good and later when Tina came back she was on her phone doing something for a bit before she put it down and smiled at all of us.

Tina-I just applied here and there are still so many openings and they even have a room in the back where we can put (Y/N) in with other guys and be with him on our brakes.

Maria-What other positions do they have?

Tina-Well I applied for a hostess, but they're looking for more cooks and security and they pay $25 an hour when you start.

Chelsie-And I'm applying.

The others got their phones out and Tina showed them how to apply while I ate and managed to finish my food before they were done, but they looked disappointed.

Maria-You didn't leave anything else left to feed you.

Chelsie-We can move on to dessert.

(Y/N)-I'm actually full.

Tina-*Groan* You're lucky we're coming back first thing in the morning for interviews.

She raised her hand and call over a waitress and asked for the check. They split it 3 ways and took the rest of the food to go before we left which was close to like leaving a prison and they held both of my hands on the way back home. When we returned they put me back in the basement then Tina got a call and answered it.

Tina-Hey mom... Good, how's she doing?... Alright, I'm coming home.

She hung up and cupped my face.

Tina-I'll be back tomorrow sweetie, I love you. ~

She gave me a deep and passionate kiss before she left so I was down to Chelsie and Maria.

Maria-Come on baby, let's get you ready for bed... Actually...

She took my hand and pulled me upstairs and Chelsie followed us to her room. She put me on her bed and Chelsie gave me clothes and they both changed in front of me and I followed their lead since I wasn't a fan of them changing me like I was a kid. When we were done they pinned me down on her bed from both sides and got comfy with me.

Maria-You were so good today.

Chelsie-You know what would make you even better? ~

I took the hint and I pinched her ass as hard as I could and she loved it until I stopped and she gave me a kiss before closing her eyes and Maria gave me a kiss too before we all closed our eyes to go to sleep.

Maria/Chelsie-Goodnight baby. ~

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