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How unexpected it is too see mustafa and husna in bonds of marriage!!

Mustafa's pov:-

I had my nikah with husna and we are now husband and wife!!

Today I'll be meeting her!!
Finally I'll get to see her without a veil!!....

I started to feel that I love her♥︎!! Uhm..

Mustafa beta? Come down it's already 10:03 pm we have to go to husna's house... my mom said

I quickly went down and we all went to sit in car , there were two cars... my father was driving one car and the other was mine...

This was the car I was driving♥︎

I was driving my car..and I was really nervous...

Bcz i don't know what's gonna happen there..

We arrived at husna's house..


Today I became the wife of mustafa somewhere I was really very happy with this marriage bcz I knew mustafa Is really the best man and my husband typeee ♥︎

I heard the cars and I started shivering like anything I quickly offered 2 rakaths prayer and I made a dua that everything should be okay!!

My mom came inside the room and said Me "husna come on mustafa and his family has arrived!!

I got up from the sofa and started walking towards the hall and there I saw his family sitting and as they saw me they smiled so hard

I sat down near them and we talked a Little bit as it was already 11:00 pm

My mother in law said "we should probably go now it's very late"

I wore my abaya as soon as I can

I was ready but I wasn't ready to leave my parents my family my comfort my home

It was all heartbreaking but I had to go!!

My father , mustafa and his father were in the living room my father in law went to the car and my father called me I went their and I saw mustafa standing there my father grabbed my hand and handed it in Mustafa's hand I was all shivering but my father said "Mustafa my daughter is now your responsibility plz take care of her" I started crying after hearing this and mustafa said "ofcourse I will" and then mustafa went down with my father!!

I cried a lot hugged my mom and yusra aapi I felt so bad to leave the house

Then his mom and sisters took me down and we sat in the car it was mustafa who was driving the car I felt like a stranger and when I heard the car starting I wanted to scream and go back to my house ....

Finally the car started and we were going to my house

when husna's father gave me her hand my heart stopped beating for a second but I had to say something

When I was driving the car I heard husna's crying slowly was tooo funny but I had to control my laugh at any cost

I couldn't hold it any longer and I laughed my mom asked me to why I laughed suddenly?

I was like? What should I say!!

So I said "nothing just remembered something*

My mom smiled at me


I was really surprised to see mustafa suddenly laughing but the reason was something unvalid

We arrived at his house I mean our house...

We went in and they took me to my room

When I entered the room I was shocked to see how beautiful the room was?

I sat comfortably on the bed and everyone left me all alone ofcourse they will!!

Stupid me!!

I heard the door opening I looked that it was mustafa

I was really nervous to talk to him he came and sat in front of me he said "assalamualykum husna"

I replied very slowly "walaikumassalam"

He said "don't be afraid of me I'm not gonna eat you"

Seriously I wanted to laugh but i just controlled my laugh and smiled...


when I entered my room husna was looking really beautiful

After we chatted a little but I said her "I never thought you are this beautiful inside the veil, and I never thought you will become my wife"

I could see she blushed

Uhm!!... so how are husna?

Im good!!

Okay!!... well uhm.. you look good!!

Thankyou so much!!

I could hear her saying really very slowly in a low voice "you are also looking good"

I laughed

Husna's pov:-

I really don't know what to say so I started crying that I'm missing my parents 😂

I was laughing inside and crying outside

The most funniest part was when he started too get panic as I was acting like I'm crying

Mustafa's pov:-

I saw she suddenly started to cry!! When I asked her she replied me that she is missing her parents I really didn't knew what to say

So I said "you can talk to them tomorrow on call and anyways you will meet them tomorrow at reception"

So she stayed silent and I was like .. hash!! Finally...

Then we both laughed sharing our stories

Then I took out a box from my pocket and opened it I front of her

It was a gift from me to her


I loved the beautiful ring mustafa gave me

It was looking really pretty on my hand and mustafa said "wow your hands look good"

Then after chatting a lot he said "when you first came to me to inform about the meeting I never thought that it was my future wife informing me"

"Before this incident I never knew you even existed"

He laughed after saying this!!

We talked continuously 6 hours

And then heard the fajr azaan and we got changed and mustafa went to masjid and I prayed in my room

After he came home

He grabbed my hand and said


Will be continued.....


IG:- author_khansa

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