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Perrie stood at her girlfriends doorstep soaking wet. It was pouring outside, she was the only one driving in these insane conditions. She could hear Leigh-Anne's faint voice. She decided to listen a little before knocking.

"That's okay. That's fine. . ."

She really hoped that Leigh-Anne wasn't talking to herself. She didn't hear anyone else.

"Come with me. We can have a cuddle" Perrie smiled softly before knocking.

"Its okay" Leigh-Anne put a calming hand on Jade's back.

"M'scared Leigh"

"I know. You wait here, let me go see who it is." Jade nodded watching Leigh-Anne head to the door. It was the blonde woman again.

"Hey babe."

"Hey, you're soaked."

"I know. How are you? I haven't seen you in forever!"

"I'm okay, I was missing you like crazy,I need you."

Leigh-Anne hugged her girlfriend, kissing her softly.

"Blehh!!" Leigh-Anne smiled at Jade, Perrie pulled away.

"Is someone here?"

"Yeah. Remember I told you about those girls? I found them. One is in the living room and the other one is in my bed." Leigh-Anne said, walking into the kitchen to make some hot drinks.

She went into the living room, she didn't see anyone.

"Babe?. . ."


"Um. There is no girl in here my love. Have you taken your medicine?"

"I'm not crazy Perrie."

"I didn't say that you were"

"But you're insinuating it. She's probably just shy. Be nice and she might come out."

Leigh-Anne brought her a cup of tea and brought her a change of clothes. They sat watching a film when a loud clap of thunder made them jump.

Leigh-Anne was surprised that her house wasn't filled with screams. She got up to check on the girls.

"I'll be right back" perrie nodded.

Leigh-Anne went up to her bedroom looking for the girls.

"Are you okay babes?" Jade shook her head. 

"Whats wrong. Are you scared?" She nodded.

" you left me. I want you"

"I'm sorry" Leigh-Anne climbed into the bed and Jade snuggled into her. Jesy laid on her with her finger in her mouth. Jade had calmed her enough to go back to sleep. Leigh-Anne didn't mean to leave Perrie but Jade and Jesy provided her comfort the same way she did for them. The sound of the harsh downpour she found quite relaxing. She closed her eyes and just like that she was fast asleep.

Perrie curiously wandered up the stairs wondering what Leigh-Anne was doing. When she pushed her bedroom door open she saw her sleeping peacefully. And alone.

She did notice a lot of kid toys laying around her house but she was yet to see a child.



"Why didn't you tell me you were going to bed?" Perrie laid next to her girlfriend.

"The girls were scared, so I was cuddling with them"

"Babe. . . There's no one here"

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