~ 5 ~ Butcher wife? ~

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Ghostbur's POV

"Bye Tommy!" I yell happily as I step through the portal. For some reason Tommy was exiled from L'manberg. He didn't do anything wrong though!

I get back to L'manberg and go straight to me and Quackity's house. I open the door quietly and step in. "Quackity dear? Are you home?" I shut the door behind me and go on a search.

I turn the corner to the kitchen and see Quackity at the corner, with his back turned. I go over to him. "Hi honey-" I look down. He's wearing a white apron, and has a big knife in his hands. My eyes then slowly shift off to... Forbidden places... I blush.

"Sweetie, welcome back!-" He looked at me then laughed. "Sugar, why are you looking at my ass?"

"Ah! I'm sorry!" I cover my face in embarrassment.

He chuckles and puts down his knife. He then approaches me and places his hands on my waist. I removed my hands from my face. "You know, you're a pretty naughty ghost." He draws imaginary shapes on my chest. He then pulls me down to his height.

Quackity places his hand on the side of my face, while the rested on my shoulder. He gave a smirk before leaning closer. Our lips crashed together. It wasn't like last time. It was... Different.

I close my eyes as I continued to follow Quackity's motions. He was quite good at it, much more dominate then me for sure. Quackity licked my lips. I'm pretty sure that's asking for permission. I slightly open my mouth at I feel Quackity's tongue quickly go into my mouth. It felt weirdly good...

As I let him dominate me, we had slowly shifted towards the island. He had pinned me down, so now I had no escape. I didn't mind being in Quackity's grasp though...

As Quackity kept exploring my mouth, I began to make weird noises when he for example went into places that shouldn't be explored, or if his tongue went down my throat too much. They were... Very interesting sounds to say the least...

Quackity held onto my waist more and more as I kept making questionable sounds. I felt strange. I don't know how to describe it, but it felt oddly good.

Quackity removed his tongue from my mouth, and we parted. My breathing became heavy. Quackity smirked at me with blush messed around his face. "Who knew a ghost could make such naughty sounds?"

He then aimed for my neck, and started to kiss it. "Mmmmmm..." Were the only sounds that came out. He then found a cravest in my neck and started to suck on it. I made a louder sound. It felt so good... I don't know why, but I found myself wanting more...

Quackity stopped, then grabbed my hand and took me to the bedroom. "Q-quackity... Why'd you stop?" I ask as we go on the bed. He crawls towards me; now inbetween my legs, and has me pinned once again.

"Desperate are we?~"Quackity then kisses my neck more.

"Mmmm... I don't know what you're doing to make me feel this way b-but I love it..."

Quackity stops and looks at me. "Mm. I know what you're feeling. It's called horniness."

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