~7~ Blue ~

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Quackity's POV

We both finish our food, and I put the dishes in the sink. I then go back to Ghostbur, he looked a bit off... "Ghostbur? Are you alright?"

"I... I don't think this is going to work..." He admits sadly. What...?

"What do you mean...?"

"I don't want to hurt you Quackity. The more time were with each other, the more you'll remember Wilbur. It makes me feel sad that you only look at me and your feelings are crushed. I know you want Wilbur back, you love him, not me."

Tears felt from my eyes, as if I didn't cry all these other times this week. "But Ghostbur! I love you-"

Ghostbur puts his hand over my mouth. "Quackity, this isn't healthy. Loving the ghost of your dead lover that isn't actually your lover. I know you only love me because you love Wilbur."

I didn't have anything to say. Because I knew deep down, that everything he said was true. It was unhealthy. I can't let go of Wilbur, that's why I love him. That was the only reason.

"I don't want to do this, but I think we're going to have to end whatever is going on between us. I'm sorry."

No one's POV

Quackity felt numb. He didn't know what to say. He was completely speechless. The only thing he could do was spill his tears onto Ghostbur's yellow sweater. Ghostbur removed his hand from Quackity's mouth and used both hands to wipe away the ducks tears. "I am sorry Quackity."

"N-no... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have... I do love you though." Quackity cried out.

"I know you do, but it's not in the way you loved Wilbur. Here, take the Blue. It always makes me happy!" Ghostbur says handing me some blue.

"Thank you." Quackity smiles.

"Well I'll get going now." Ghostbur says as he stands up.

"W-wait! You're moving out too?!" Quackity asked grabbing Ghostbur's hand.

"Well I did say I didn't want to hurt you. And I hurt you by you just looking at me." Ghostbur awkwardly smiles.

"O-oh. Right... Um, can I have one last kiss...?" Quackity blushes.

Ghostbur blushes as well and smiles. "Of course Quackity."

Quackity holds Ghostbur's waist with one hand, as the other hand rested on Ghostbur's face. While Ghostbur's hands were placed on Quackity's shoulders. They leaned in for their final kiss. Their lips found each other and immediately locked in with the others. It was soft and gentle. After a few moments they departed. They looked straight in each other's eyes. "I'm sorry Ghostbur... You deserve so much better then me."

"I'm sorry too Quackity." Ghostbur then places a soft kiss onto Quackity's forehead. Just like how Wilbur used to. They let go of each other, and Ghostbur went to go get his stuff.


Ghostbur came out with his suitcase. "Bye Quackity." He waves as he heads for the door. But Quackity's arms  wrap around him quickly.

"I'm sorry again Ghostbur. I'm sorry I couldn't love you for you, and not because of Wilbur."

"It's alright Quackity. It's not your fault." Quackity let go of Ghostbur as Ghostbur went through the door.

Quackity watched Ghostbur walk away until he was out of his view. He closed the door and put his back against it. He slid down to the floor and cried again. He lost all versions of Wilbur now. The alive version of him, and the ghost version of him.

But this time, it was his fault. He felt terrible. Ghostbur loved Quackity, while Quackity had loved Ghostbur only because he was Wilbur. That was the only reason.

He stood up slowly and went to his room. He picked up the journal, and opened up to a blank page. He sat on the bed as he picked up Wilbur's pen.

November 19, (Entry 2- Q)

I fucked up. I lost you again Wilbur. I lost Ghostbur as well. I'm terrible. How do I get over you. You made me hurt him. All because of my love for you. Come back please. I'm hurting. I hurt another version of you because of how much I miss you. I'm sorry. I must let you go somehow. You're never coming back. I have to face the truth.

Your past lover,

Alex Quackity.

He stood up and headed out the door.


Quackity was walking down prime path, trying to forget his past lover, when suddenly he bumps into someone.

"Sorry Karl!" Quackity said.

"It's alright Quackity!" Karl smiled. He was with Sapnap. "Oh well we found you now! We have something we wanted to ask you."

Quackity was confused. "Would you like to start a country with us and George...?" Sapnap asks.

This was surprising. But maybe this was what Quackity needed. Something to cheer him up from the past week. Quackity smiled. "Sure! Sounds fun."




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