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TW: Implied Neglect, Abuse, Mentions of death.


Hajime was used to screaming. Since he was born, screaming was like a normal recurrence in his life. His father and brother would fight a lot, and that would lead to screaming back and forth. It almost seemed like that's all they did when they spoke to each other. Their fights were always at night. When they thought Hajime was asleep. And it was always about him.

"Hajime needs more healthy foods!" He heard his brother's voice shout, as he moved his ear close to the wall. "I can't keep trying to give him the junk we have at home!"

"Why don't you get it yourself then? Since you're so independent." His father retorted, Hajime could almost see his father roll his eyes through the walls.

"How would I get food if I don't have money?" His brother yelled. "In case you forgot, I'm 13!"

It was quiet for a second, he knew it was because of how enraged his father was at his brother. "Figure it out!"


Hajime covered his mouth so no sound was released. Silence terrified Hajime. Silence never meant anything good. Silence meant death in his eyes. His mother? She was silenced by death. His grandparents? Silenced by death. Thoughts ran through his head like a stampede of rhinoceros'. 'Is my brother okay?' 'What did father do?' 'Will he be silenced too..?'

His thoughts were interrupted by the turning of his doorknob. Hajime quickly laid down in his bed and pretended to sleep. The footsteps. They sounded like his brother. He released a quiet breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Hajime, I know you're not sleeping, you can get up." His brother consoled softly. His brother sat on the chair by his bed. That was where Grandma would read to him before she died. When she did, his brother quickly took her place. Reading every story book off his small bookshelf. When he ran out of stories to read, he told him stories.

Hajime raised from his lying down position. His brother was okay. No visible injuries. Relief coursed through him, happy his brother was alive and not injured. Hajime held out his hands for a hug. Ryohei, his brother, smiled at him and embraced him tightly. Hajime couldn't help but giggle at his brother.

"Can you stay with me till I sleep?" He asked nervously.

Ryohei smiled and said "Of course."

Ryohei got into the bed where his brother snuggled into his side. It was comforting knowing his brother was there for him. Ryohei patted his back to soothe him. Hajime slowly drifted off to his dream world where his father wasn't mean, and he had his mother.



Hajime sprung up from his lying position. 'What was that..'. He got up and left his room. Hajime quietly walked down the stairs and peered into the kitchen. His father threw a plate onto the ground. Its shattered remains scattered onto the floor.

"You're crazy." Ryohei whispered looking down at the sharp, ceramic pieces on the tile.

"I'm crazy?! Look at yourself! You're not acting like a normal 13 year old." His father screamed, throwing his hands into the air.

"Why would I act like a 13 year old when I'm the one taking care of this family." Ryohei screamed back accusingly, "You are too much of a mess to take care of us."

His fathers face turned bright red in anger. "This is your fault! This is why she left me." He was hysterical, clawing at his face to the point there were red marks from scratches.

"Do you even know what you're saying right now? She's dead!" Ryohei barked, pointing up at his fathers figure.

"You don't know what you're talking about." He growled back.

"You of all people don't scare me." Ryohei spoke, venom in his voice. Hajime was surprised, he had never seen his brother act like this before. "You are just a sad, sad man in my eyes."


It all happened in a flash. The way his father raised his hand should have warned him of what was about to happen. The look in his eyes should have warned him. But it didn't. He still flinched when he saw his father slap Ryohei. He still gasped as he heard the hand meet Ryohei's cheek.

Ryohei touched the mark on his face. It took a second until the pain came blasting at him. Tears formed unintentionally. They just stood there in shock until Ryohei sprinted away and up the stairs.

"What have I done..?"

A/N: chapter and art was rlly rushed but it willget better

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A/N: chapter and art was rlly rushed but it willget better

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