Kilby Girl

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CW for reference implying past abu*e.

This is a bit shorter than I typically prefer, but I wanted to add a quick chapter showing Sebastian's perspective of you making your entrance!

Next chapter will finally show you interacting with Sebastian <3

3rd Person POV - Sebastian's Perpective

It's been a long day for Sebastian.

Well, perhaps 'long day' is an understatement. The young man's latest attempt to cure his twin proved to be futile, and his most recent argument with Solomon only served to further sour his mood.

It has always been clear to him that his wretched uncle doesn't truly care for either him or Anne.

But Sebastian is used to it, the hatred his uncle holds for him has always been there. He has the scars to prove it. But Sebastian was always able to take it. What he refuses to do is to allow Anne to be shown the same hatred by their uncle. That's the only reason he's never spoken to her about it, for Anne would surely fight back on his behalf, risking her own safety. Sebastian won't allow that. He rather let her live in blissful ignorance- she has it hard enough as it is.

Of course, she's not completely unaware of the contempt that Solomon and Sebastian hold for each other. There is hardly ever a moment where the two interact without fighting. Anne always implores that Sebastian try to be less argumentative, to just get along. She's desperate to keep the last family she has together... If only she knew the truth.

Sebastian often finds himself in spats with Anne regarding the subject. After all, why does he have to be the one to yield? Does Anne not find Solomon to be too harsh? Too angry? How can it always be Sebastian's fault?

He knows, of course, that the only reason Anne believes that the task falls on Sebastian is because she knows he will never abandon her... but Solomon would.

They've already lost their parents, and she doesn't want to lose their uncle as well.

Maybe one day after he finds a cure for her, when she's strong enough, he can tell her. Until then he'll stay silent.

It isn't quite as bad anymore. Solomon has grown to somewhat fear Sebastian as he gets older. So it's been years since he last had to tend to his own wounds.

Sebastian yawns, body currently slouched over the dinning table with his head propped up in his hand. He doesn't have much interest in the sorting ceremony this year. Usually, he and Anne would place bets on which houses some of the students would be sorted in- but with Anne not attending this year, his mood is much more somber.


He shifts his gaze towards the voice, but his position remains unchanging, not caring quite enough to give the person his full attention.

"What do you want Imelda?" He asks.

Imelda scoffs, arms crossed over her chest and her brows hard-set. "Seriously Sallow?"

Sebastian looks toward Ominis, who sits to his right, and nudges him with his elbow.

"She's been rambling on about quidditch for the pass five minutes." Ominis informs him. "You didn't miss anything important."

"Not important!" Imelda exclaims. "Just because you don't care about the fate of our quidditch team doesn't mean it's not important."

"Oh don't be so dramatic Imelda." Thomas Loughty, a sandy haired 5th year- and a beater on the Slytherin team along with Sebastian, speaks up. "We haven't even finished the feast yet and you're already trying to organize tryouts. Can't you wait a day before whining and nagging?"

Regina Prouse, a 4th year chaser, and Imelda's protege giggles at Thomas's words- however she is quickly silenced with a harsh glare from Imelda.

"Don't think you can't be replaced." Imelda bites. "And in case you forgot, Thomas, not only do we need a new keeper AND a new chaser, but we also need a new seeker as well, and those aren't all that easy to come by."

Sebastian shifts in his seat, now engaged in the conversation. "Actually I have a person in mind for seeker."

Imelda quirks a brow, hesitant to believe him. "Oh really?" She gives him a pointed look, challenging him. "Out with it then."

Sebastian grins cheekily, unable to hide his amusement.


Ominis, with a deep sigh, responses to Sebastian's jest.

"I'm impressed, Sebastian. You manage to make the same joke every year, and every year the joke continues to remain unfunny." Ominis retorts.

"Oh come on, I know you think it's at least a little-"

Sebastian's sentence trails off as his ears register the suddenly quiet room.

He starts to open his mouth, intending to question the silence but stops short when his eyes find the answer.
Another new student, except she's clearly too old to be a first year. He hears the hushed voices around him beginning to whisper questions... most wondering if she's a first year, or perhaps a student that had a significant growth spurt that left her unrecognizable... but what Sebastian wants to know is why she's covered in blood.

"Bloody hell.." He murmurs to himself.

The girl is beautiful- No... she's stunning. Even covered in a thin layer of blood and dirt she still appears so.. angelic to him- she walks with power and purpose, eyes ahead and focused on her goal. Something about her demeanor is so ethereal, yet threatening.

Like an avenging angel.

Sebastian swallows hard. He can feel the slight uptick in the beat of his heart and he wishes he could slow it down.

The woman screams adventure... and Sebastian has always loved adventure.

But he doesn't have time for it- he must remain focused on finding a cure for Anne, the only family he has left besides Ominis.
The only thing stopping him from taking his inheritance and moving to his own place, Anne, who still holds out hope that Solomon's heart will soften. Sebastian knows he's had plenty of time to do that. He won't change now.

"I bet she gets sorted into Gryffindor."

Sebastian overhears Gareth whispering from the table behind him. Ominis, also hearing the redhead's words, scoffs.

"You say that about every pretty girl."

Gareth shakes his head. "How is it you always know if they're pretty?"

"My theory is that he uses his wand for echolocation like a dolphin." Imelda chimes in.

"Shut it Imelda." Sebastian hisses.

When he turns back to the new girl she's already sitting in the stool, hat on her head and a peeved look on her face.

He wonders what the hat can be saying to irritate her so much.

Her scowl continues to grow for a moment before she suddenly opens her mouth.

Sebastian's jaw drops, his expression showing both shock and amusement.

Who is this girl? He wonders.

It's clear on her face that she did not mean to speak out loud- but even so, her reaction to the realization of it is impressive.

She just doesn't care.

Or at the very least, doesn't appear to be embarrassed by her outburst.

A stone cold fox.

"Seven gallons says she's a Slytherin." Sebastian turns to Gareth.

The redhead's smile grows wide and he eagerly reaches out to shake Sebastian's hand.

"I like my odds." Gareth says.

Suddenly, before the two boys are able to converse further, the sorting hat lets out a long bellowing laugh followed by a shout.


Sebastian smirks, his face practically gleaming with triumph as he cheers along with the rest of the Slytherins.

He can't wait to tell Anne about this.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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