Chapter 1: Liena's Sacrifice

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(I'm gonna say this right now before you continue reading this, again this is an au story with oc's within the story! Plus, it does have season 4 spoilers (mostly season 4 episode 10 "The Jade Emperor" within this story in the beginning as you read this story so, if you haven't watched season 4 or that episode please don't read for your own risk to being spoiled! P.s. the picture shown in this is actually what i made (TwT i just drew it really quick so its no't the best but, I liked how it turned out. Anyway's you may continue with the story!)

As Azure Lion and the Jade Emperor swung both of their blades, The room went dark...the lighting flashed...the situates of the two beings as they stood still for a moment...the room was black and grew cold as the two stood there for within that silent moment...until, the Jade Emperor dropped his blade hard to the ground...making it break the concrete once it contacted with the floor. The Jade Emperor fell on one knee...defeated by the warrior lion that once worked by his side....he started to shake and glow a bright golden light and he lifted himself up just for a moment and the emperor screamed in pain as he burst...! It made a bright light flash within the Celestial Palace and with a loud rumble...and then, came a loud BOMB! Everyone felt it...that the Jade Emperor was killed...the world started to break and shatter...the emperor stood there as the power he once held was coming out of him and onto Azure Lion...this was it...! He was finally getting what he and his brothers FINALLY wanted....! But then, YellowTusk and Peng heard someone running into the palace screaming as loud as they could "NO!!" It was a girl yelling it...Azure Lion knew right away on who the voice belonged to...his daughter Liena. "What in the world is she doing here...!?" Azure thought as he turned over quickly and Peng even YellowTusk tried to stop her from ruining their plans...she wasn't going to let this happen...So, she quickly dodged them and she grabbed a huge piece of rock that broke off from the walls and she swung it at him and then she hits Azure Lion hard "NAGH!" He grunted as it caused him to fall back and fly into a back of a wall, causing him to feel light headed because he hit his head and when he regained his senses and he looked up...his eyes grew wide seeing Liena absorbing the emperors power and their was a big bright light as it blinded the WHOLE palace. 

Once the flash died down Azure, YellowTusk and Peng looked in shock seeing Liena shaking and gripping her head in pain as she started to scream loudly as she tried to keep control of all this power...then, GIANT cracks were spreading within the sky because she couldn't fully control this power but, she was trying so hard to keep it all in...Azure Lion quickly got up from the broken rubble floor and his eyes stayed wide as he watched her struggle to keep the power within her "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING LIENA!? YOU KNOW YOUR NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO HANDLE THIS POWER!? IT'S GOING TO KILL YOU!?" Azure shouted as he tried to get close to her but, Liena used the emperors new powers to push him and the other two back away from her...this is what she wanted...she knew what she was doing...if she kept in the power long enough it should cause her to break apart...she know's she can't handle it so she was willing to sacrifice herself for this world then, let her dad and his brother hood take over the world and celestial realm. Peng looks at the two brotherhood and he then looks back at the monkey girl "LETS JUST GO WE CAN THINK OF ANOTHER WAY TO TAKE OVER THE CELESTIAL REALM!?" Peng stated to him and then Azure glared at him "I'M NOT LEAVING PENG!?" Azure snapped at him with anger as this was going on Liena. She looks over at them and then at her father as tears stream down her face from the pain and she was twitching and shaking as she tried to keep it all in "I-I WASN'T GOING TO ALLOW YOU TO TAKE OVER THE CELESTIAL REALM AZURE LION!? I KNOW, YOU HAVE GOOD INTENTIONS BUT, YOUR NOT IN THE MINDSET TO DUE IT AND I'LL MAKE SURE YOU WON'T GET THIS POWER!?" Liena stated loudly as YellowTusk noticed she was starting to show bright glowing yellow cracks all over her body. YellowTusk quickly grabbed Azure Lion's attention even Peng's as all three of them looked at her as she was shaking badly, as the power blasts out of her, Liena grits her teeth as her body began to break apart...Azure's eyes grew wide seeing this happen all in front of him and he quickly runs to his daughter "LIENA DON'T!!" Azure shouted to her and then she looked up at him as she smiled softly with tears streaming down her face...she knew she did what she thought was right "I....I'm sorry, this was the only way that I could think of that could stop you three...." she said within a whisper under her breathe and she fell on her knees as she was starting to break apart more and more which Azure runs over to her and tries to help her up and he looked at her almost broken to see what is happening to Liena.

Then, Mk and and his friends break through the door and they run into the Emperor's throne room to stop Azure Lion and then stopped dead in their tracks as they saw Azure Lion holding his daughter as she was breaking apart from the power that she took in 
"oh god...." Wukong said as his ears go back to his head, he was almost sick to his stomach seeing the state Liena was in as the others looked in shock as of what was happening to their friend. "W-WHAT DID YOU DO TO LIENA!?" Mei shouted as she was ready to attack Azure Lion and the other two with all her might but, Nezha stopped her before she could do anything "....he didn't do anything she took the power....she can't handle it cause she isn't powerful...she's...she's sacrificing herself  for us..." Nezha simply said in a hushed tone voice which the others looked shocked as they all just watched as she started to break part and starting to disappear...this isn't what anyone wanted and Miyuki ran in behind them breathing heavily and as she was about to say something she stopped dead in her tracks seeing her daughter almost gone within Azure's arms and felt the hot tears starting to slip down her cheeks as she covered her mouth with her hands almost on the verge of sobbing seeing this situation in front of her eyes. Liena was almost gone, she was fading fast and Azure tried to keep a hold of her...he didn't want to admit it but, he didn't want this to happen...he didn't want to use them or hurt anyone...but, this....this is what happens...he can't have his dream of become the Jade Emperor...but, that didn't bother him within that moment....he was just focused on his daughter..."L-Liena...Liena, sweetie, d-don't you DARE go...!? I'm not losing you!? I-I didn't want anyone to get hurt...I-I just...I..." Azure tried to talk but, he was getting choked up as his eyes started to blur from the water coming from his eyes... "I-I...I can fix this...!? I can fix you and everything else!? I-I can...I-I....I can....I..." Azure Lion trailed off as he held Liena as close as he possibly could...She gently touched his cheek and he looked up at her and she cracked a tiny smile as she was almost completely gone... "I....I'm sorry can' can't fix this.....this was....this was the only....way...." Liena said in a hushed tone in her voice making Azure's eyes grow wide as the tears were about to fall from his eyes.

Azure tried to keep a hold of Liena as much as he could but, she finally was turned into nothing....and the cracks within the sky...were gone and she was gone...he just sat there stunned of what just happened and then he clenched his fists tightly making them turn white as he started to shake....he, he lost his only little girl within his life and it was his fault...", No.....NO!!!!!" Azure screamed at the top of his lungs as he looked up at sky as hot tears rolled down his cheeks as he gripped onto his chest as he shook violently from the grief and pain coming over him...he didn't plan for this...he didn't want THIS to happen....he didn't even know that's how the power would work like that...but, he wouldn't have wanted it to be his little Liena...but, she was gone. Mk and the others were shocked even Peng and YellowTusk were stunned at what just happened...Miyuki fell on the ground and started crying loudly and screams in pain as Zixin and Lei tried comforting her while Ming-Yue and Kai-Ming were silently watching as tears streamed down their faces...Qiang and Wima just looked away almost not wanting to look at that spot as they saw her disappear. Xia and Shui were silent...they didn't know what to say within this moment...Tia Li was covering her mouth as tears streamed down her face as Pigsy, Sun Wukong, Sandy, Tang, and Nezha looked stunned and just stood there silently as Mei cried loudly into Tang's arms while Mk and Dabria...they were really hurting....this isn't what they wanted to happen...not at all. Azure was just sitting there as he sobbed loudly and screamed in anguish as YellowTusk slowly walked over "....Azure...she's gone we can't this this..." YellowTusk said calmly as he tried to touch his shoulder but, Azure smacked his hand away from him "DON'T SAY THAT!? W-WE CAN FIX THIS!? W-WE....we c-can...." Azure just started sobbing uncontrollably as YellowTusk just sighed and gently rubbed his shoulder as Peng just slowly started to get out of there, he didn't really care about this situation really so he quickly flew out of there and Mk noticed but, he was too hurt to get he just let him go...him and the others can go find him later...but, now they have to deal with this situation now..

As Azure slowly looked up at them while the tears streamed down his face, he didn't care if it looked pathetic...he just lost his daughter and he was the one to blame for this...Dabria and Mk walk over and Dabria stopped Mk for a second "Mk, we shouldn't put them back in the scroll...I know what he did was wrong but, look at him....he's broken...I don't think he's going to do anymore damage then he already has...." Dabria said softly and Mk just sighed as he slowly looked up at her "r-right...but, the high council would have to deal with him and YellowTusk...even Peng once we find him again..." Mk stated which, Dabria nodded and then, she looked at Azure as he sobbed as he covered his face with his hands....he was broken and hurt...not physical wise....his heart was the most hurt and broken at this point as Yellow Tusk looked at the two with sadness in his eyes "please, just let him be just for a moment...just give him that..." YellowTusk said softly which the others just watched as MK and Dabria looked at each other and then they looked at YellowTusk and both nodded which Nezha wasn't really happy about the choice  but, he understood so, he allowed it since he could tell how much Azure was hurting from his actions but, he still didn't like him at all...not one little bit.

Meanwhile within the after life, Liena was on a patch of golden like grass...which, it was so soft like the softest bed she's ever laid on but, she slowly started to open her eyes as she slowly sat up and she looks around the area, she was hurting like badly due to that power she took in...she shakes her head for a second and then she realizes...she's dead. She slowly gets up from her spot and she looks around at the beautiful area. As she started to walk around for a bit "...i'm, i'm really dead..." Liena thought to herself  as she kept walking and kept looking around the was really beautiful and then, she heard someone shouting her name and her monkey ears perk up "LIENA, MISS.LIENA!" A female voice shouted as a women with golden like ropes on her body while her long raven hair shimmered within the light as she floated over to Liena "ah, there you are my dear, i'm Jin and welcome to the afterlife" Jin said with a soft smile on her face but, notices Liena's ears going down as she felt tears slipping down her face..."oh, oh dear, sweetheart what's wrong...?" Jin asked softly as she gently knelt down to her level and she looked at her with kind eyes "l-look i'm only dead because I took the Jade Emperors power so my Azure and his two friends didn't get it..." Liena said as she lowered her head which, Jin looked at the poor girl and she rubbed her chin a little. Then she had a soft smile on her face "I could try to get you back to your home and alive my dear but, it might take some time and talking to the god of death and the god of life...they work within those parts...I'm sure they can come to an agreement to help you my dear..." Jin said softly as she gently rubbed her head which, Liena looked at her as her eyes grew wide "r-really...? you think you can do that...?" Liena asked as she looked up at Jin and she sighed softly "like I said it might take me some time my dear but, i'm sure I can try my best..." Jin stated as she tried to reassure her as she gently moved her hand away from Liena's head "now come with me my dear, you can stay with me for now til I can get this all worked out for you..." Jin said calmly as she floated up within the clouds as Liena followed behind her but, she started to worry about how everyone was doing down below..."I hope their all okay down there...and hopefully nothing bad happens..." Liena thought to herself for a moment but then, she shakes her head quickly and then she quickly follows Jin from behind as the two headed to Jin's lovely home.

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