Chapter 2: Broken

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Meanwhile, at the Celestial Palace, mostly everyone has finally has calmed down about the whole situation as they gathered themselves up and they were trying to figure out what to do next now, Azure Lion was still trying to comprehend on what just happened...his daughter was gone...he couldn't get her back...he was so broken...he just felt like his whole world is just fully broken and no one was to blame for this but himself and he knew it. Azure was just sitting there, he was just so ashamed of himself but then, he heard someone walking over to him and as he looks over to where the walking was coming from and...oh boy, it was Sun Wukong himself...why him of all beings would he come over to see him right now. Wukong walks over to Azure as he just stops dead in his tracks while he stands right in front of him "....What do you want Wukong, Can't you see I just wanted to be alone at the moment..." Azure stated calmly but, Wukong could tell that he wasn't fine still...I mean he just lost his could he not be okay...? It must be tearing him from the inside out because of what happened at the Jade Palace. Wukong sighs heavily as he walks to Azure's side and he sits down beside him as he just gently puts his hand on Azure Lion's back gently "Azure, I know you don't want to see me. Heck, this is probably the last being you want to see but, I just...I just wanted to check on you, Just to see if your okay." Wukong said calmly as he looked up at his once dearest friend, Azure Lion as he tried his best to be there for him...I mean, what he did was wrong...REALLY wrong...but, he thought he was trying to do some good...but, his mind wasn't thinking in the right place...but, I think he learned his lesson, the really hard way. Azure Lion then looks over at Wukong as his head lowers a little bit while he had tears started forming in his eyes again "You think of asking me...? If i'm okay...does it LOOK like if i'm okay Wukong...?? Because i'm NOT okay...!?" He stated as he was on the verge of tears as he stands up from where he was sitting while he stared down at Sun Wukong with tons of emotions running through him, trying to figure out how to calm himself down so he doesn't do anything else that he might regret what he might do. Sun Wukong looks at Azure Lion as he sighs a little while Azure looked like he was going to fully break again but, he stopped as he noticed Wukong took a deep breathe through his nose and took a deep breathe out through his mouth "Azure, before you say or do anything...i'm not hear to make you more upset...or already feel like trash already...I just wanted to apologize for you...about you losing your daughter...about...everything...." Wukong said quietly as he rubbed the back of his neck while Azure looked up at him with a shocked expression on his face.

Wukong slowly lowers his tail and he curls it up around his feet as his ears go back a tiny bit while Azure Lion looks at him still shocked about what he said but, he sighs as he rubs his face for a moment as then he slowly looks up at Sun Wukong again "wait...what?" Azure said as he kept looking at him with a surprised look on his face while Wukong kept his ears down as he slowly looks up at Azure Lion "i'm....i'm sorry, I know what you thought I did was wrong but, I-" Wukong started to say what he wanted to him but, Azure cut of him off with a low huff as he looks away from him "Stop, just...stop it. You...You don't need to apologize...I get it, it wasn't your fault about everything that happened....I was so stupid to think about taking on the Jade Emperor so many years ago...I was so caught up in all that....I didn't realize...about the most important people in my life....I left behind...My lovely wife" Azure said quietly as he started to choke up from the emotion he was feeling so he sat down and puts his face in the palms of his hands as his body started to shake a tiny bit and he sniffled here and there, Which Wukong slowly lowers his head and he slowly walks over to him while he lifted his hand up and Wukong gently touched Azure lion's shoulder as he tried to comfort him the best he could since he wasn't fully the best at this kind of stuff, especially when it comes to emotional things. Sun Wukong looks up at Azure Lion and he puts a small smile on his face "Look, I get it, Your heart felt like it was in the right place and you thought you were doing the right thing Azure but, what happened...happened...but, I think you already learned your lesson. After what happened with your daughter..." Wukong said calmly as he looked up at his old friend, well, Wukong's ex old friend, Azure Lion. Azure Lion looked up at Sun Wukong for a few seconds as he just sat there silently, not knowing what to do or say within the moment, but, he then slowly started to sniffle quietly as his eyes started to water "I...I...My poor daughter...I couldn't....I should've done something....s-she was my daughter....I...." He tried to say something but, it kept slipping of his tongue and kept stuttering so much because of how overwhelmingly emotional he is. 

Sun Wukong noticed how Azure lion was acting and he slowly patted his arm on the side as he continued to look up at him "Azure, What happened to wasn't your fault...she knew what you did was wrong...but, she did it so she could protect you...just like how you protected her when she was younger..." Azure quietly whispered under his breathe as he was about to full break down as he gently grips onto his arms as tears slipped down his cheeks while he bites his lower lip. Wukong just looks at him for a few moments as she lowers his head and he sighs out slowly as he slowly just puts his hand on Azure Lion's shoulder as for comfort "....its okay Azure, you can let your emotions's nothing to be ashamed just lost your daughter....keeping these emotions all bottled up will just make it worse Azure..." Wukong said calmly to him as Azure started to shake a tiny bit while tears started to fully go down his face and he grips his arms as he just started to break down while he wailed and sobbed all of it out as Wukong was trying to comfort him as best as he could. Sun Wukong has never seen Azure Lion this emotional in his life but, he can't really blame hime...he was dealing with a lot even the loss of his daughter.

Meanwhile, within the heaven's of the afterlife, Liena was sitting at the table as she was drinking a bit of water and she was lost in thought...she didn't know how to take this all in...I mean, she did this for a good cause right? She slowly laid her head down on her arms as she rested her head and arms on the table as she kept thinking about what happened. Then, Liena heard the front door opening within Jin's home and it was Jin coming inside her house and Liena quickly perked her head up and she hoped there was any good news about her getting back home and brought back to life "So? Any good news...?" Liena asked as she tilted her head to the side as her ears twitched a tiny bit while she looked at Jin with a lot of hope she did come back with some good least she hoped it was good news. Jin looks over at Liena and she sees how hopeful she looked as she took a deep breath in and then, she slowly exhaled through her nose "Liena dear, I do have some good news. They both said they would help you get back to the living world...but..." Jin was trying to calmly explain about what she had to say to Liena but, she felt like she knew what Jin was trying to tell her about this "But what...? Is...Is there bad news to this...?" Liena asked as her ears lowered on the back of her head while she thought about what could the bad news be or how bad the news she was about to hear could be really that bad...hopefully it's not. Jin just sighed and she slowly walks over to the table and she pulls out a chair and she sits down on the chair next to Liena as she looks up at her as she took one of Liena's hand gently "They agreed to help you get back to the living world...but, it will take some time...they need to find all the right ingredients and find the scroll for the spell to bring you back to the living but, They got hands on to help you get home to your friends and family...but, for now your going to have to stay here with me until we get more updates about this..." Jin said calmly as she was making sure Liena was alright when she told her this news "O-Oh...well, at least they know how to get bring me back living and bring me back home...but, I wasn't expecting it to take for a while..." Liena ears went down on the back of her head as she felt tears in her eyes but, tried to act happy I mean, she is going to go home after all...but, will they still want her back...or will over her death and would it cause them to react badly about her coming back...? Jin noticed how she was acting and she gently pulls Liena into a warm hug as she gently pets her head and moves her hand in circles around her back gently "it's okay Liena's okay..." Jin said in a soft whisper as she lets Liena put her head against her chest as she felt her shake and hears her sniffles and soft cries as she knew she wanted to go home...she was still a kid within her eyes. So, Jin gently comforted Liena as she cried into her chest as she gently kisses the top of her forehead softly and she hoped that the god of life and the god of death will work this out soon so Liena could get home...knowing her family and friends probably miss her dearly...but, the girl did a good thing for stopping that happening...but, she didn't deserve to die for that...even if she was a teenager, she was still a kid...and still young to live her life to the fullest so, Jin prayed silently as she kept Liena company and in hope they will be able to bring her back to live and bring her back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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