Chapter 1

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Quick message before we start; I hope you all enjoy my story, I haven't written a fanfic in over 6 years so I might be a bit rusty, All feedback is welcomed and appreciated so please let me know what you think.

Characters will not be 100% canon, this story doesn't follow any certain events that have happened in the show, I will try my best to as accurate to the character as i can but i like to add my own personal twist to the characters personality

That's all, Happy Reading

Cw: mentions of death of a parent, death of a child

The air in the room grew thick as the sound of your heartbeat began to pound in your ears, the act of breathing becoming difficult as you felt suffocated in that small interrogation room, the images of your parents lifeless bodies flooding threw y...

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The air in the room grew thick as the sound of your heartbeat began to pound in your ears, the act of breathing becoming difficult as you felt suffocated in that small interrogation room, the images of your parents lifeless bodies flooding threw your brain as you began to hyperventilate. The only thing pulling you out of your thoughts was the sound of a door shutting causing you to jump slightly and look towards the direction of the sound to see two males standing in front of you.

"Hello, Y/N?, I'm Agent Rossi and this is Dr Reid, we are from the FBI and would like to ask you a few questions." The male stated as you didn't say anything just gave a simple nod looking down at your hands fidgeting in your lap just below the small black table.

"So, was there anyone who would want to hurt you or your family?" The Agent began to question you, but with everything flooding in your head and the sound of your heartbeat pounding in your ears, you couldn't concentrate on forming words so you simply shook your head, not looking at the agents in front of you as the tears began to stream down your face once more. This couldn't be real, just yesterday you were hanging out with your family helping your mother out with dinner as your dad and younger brother watched TV.

"This cant be real." you said, your voice being barely audible, shaking as the tears began to fall faster down your face.

The younger Agent sliding a box of tissues closer to you, as you took one out and began to whip your face, the other Agent continued to speak.

"I know that this is hard for you but its important for you to try and answer our questions." Agent Rossi stated "lets start with this morning, What happened?" He asked as he looked at you.

You closed your eyes as you tried to remember the events that took place that morning. "This morning..." You began, clenching onto the used tissue in your hand "I came over around 8:30 am like I always did to watch my little brother, as my parents went to work." you stated before being interrupted with another question.

"What do your parents do for work?" Agent Rossi asked as you shifted in your seat uncomfortably.

"My mother is a freelance artist.. and my dad works in pharmaceutics. " you stated before going back to continuing your story, "when I got to the house I let myself in, like normal..everything seemed normal." You stated taking a shaky breath.

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