Chapter 4

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CW: None that i can think off (if this chapter has something that needs a warning that i missed let me know)

CW: None that i can think off (if this chapter has something that needs a warning that i missed let me know)

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Once you walked into the apartment you were greeted by a large assortment of books cluttered around. You were looking around before your attention went back on Spencer when he began to speak.

"Excuse the mess, I tried to clean up as much as I could with the little time I had." He stated but you simply didn't mind as you looked towards the large collection of books.

"so I see you like to read." You said as you were looking at all the different types of literature that was placed on the shelf as your hand grazed against the spines of the old books before looking back over at Spencer to notice he was now looking at you.

"Yeah." He simply stated before the room filled with silence, neither of you knowing what to say for the moment before you broke that silence.

"Should we..look over the letters?" you asked, Spencer giving a small nod as you walked over to your suitcase and opened it up, taking out the pile of envelopes.

 "I, tried to number them, in order from when i got them." You began to say as you watched Spencer taking the stack of envelopes into his own hands. 

"I don't know if the order matters all that much though." You admitted as you sat down next to Spencer and watched him examine the outside of the envelopes.

"Hm, this seal is interesting, Red seals were often used by men for formal correspondence, mostly used for government or legal purposes but there isn't anything formal or official about these letters" He stated as he began to pick about the history of wax seals. 

Something you weren't any bit interested in learning but let the male talk as it seemed that he enjoyed sharing the information that was trapped in his head. "In the middle ages, wax seals were originally only reserved for the wealthy, but by the 13th century they were used by pretty much everyone, until the mid to late 19th century when they-" he continued to say before cutting himself off. "I'm rambling" he simply stated before taking a deep breath as if it would stop the wheels from turning in his head

You looked at him with a gentle smile "Its okay." You simply stated, knowing by the way he stopped himself that most people probably found the rambling to be unnecessary or annoying. "But I think we should focus on the contents of the letter, not whats used to seal it." You simply continued.

He gave you a simple nod before opening the first envelope and read the contents of it. "How many letters are there?" He asked before answering his own question before you even had the time to think.

"16." He answered from the quick glace he gave the pile before setting each letters down to look at them all at once.

You looked down at all the different letters trying to pull some form of similarities between them. 

"Hm, five contain your family in some way, three contain something to do with the stars, which could have a meaning in its self but the eight that contain you are probably the once we should focus on first." He stated and you simply gave a nod.

"Thank you..for not thinking i was crazy." You simply said as your focus was on the letters that sat in front of you.

"Oh, your welcome." He simply stated. "You know.. i never stopped looking." He continued.

Your head turned to face him, you were sure he could read the confusion on your face because before you could say anything he clarified himself.

"The Unsub, who killed your parents, I never stopped looking for them, that's also why I was so willing to help you, because I feel like these letters could provide the missing pieces we need to finally solved this." He explained.

You couldn't help but smile as a tear streamed down your face, you quickly whipped away the tear before you looked away for a moment. "Thank you..for never giving up." You said as you couldn't help but feel grateful.

You thought that everyone seemed to of just given up. "You can hate this, but i'm going to hug you now." You said, giving the male next to you a fair warning before you wrapped your arms gently around him trying not to cry on his shirt.

You soon pulled from the hug before your attention went back down at the letters.


Its been two months since you came to DC, two months since you started staying with Spencer, but more importantly its been two months since your last letter, you thought that they might have either stopped or they were just pilling up in your PO Box just waiting to be collected.

You haven't left the apartment since you got here, to afraid to go outside, you didn't mind it. The times Spencer would walk into the apartment at random hours of the night making sure to stay as quiet as a mouse just in case you were asleep, if you weren't you two would just sit on the couch and talk, sometimes about the case but most times it was just whatever random thing that was itching in Spencer's brain just waiting to share.

You simply let him rant about whatever he could think of, as you just sat, listened and sometimes learned. You enjoyed when you heard the male rant, seeing the joy it seemed to give him warmed your heart.

Most times you were at the apartment alone, you didn't mind the silence either but sometimes it was too much silence, as you were alone for days on end, you gotten so used to being alone but you couldn't deny the dreadful feeling you would get every time Spencer was out on a case.

You were walking around the kitchen trying to find something to eat when you heard a knock on the door, you stood dead in your track trying to make as little noise as possible in order to pretend like you weren't there until the person decided to leave.

You waited for the sounds of another knock but when it didn't come you slowly made your way towards the door, but before you could come close you stood dead in your tracks, eyes widen as you stared at the small off white envelope that was now placed on the floor.

You  slowly made your way towards the envelope bending down to pick it up, reading your name on the front before taking a deep breath and breaking the seal.

You looked at the photo, seeing that it was a picture of Spencer, he must have been on a case when this picture was taken because he had a FBI vest on.

you read the words that appeared in the letter;

'Maybe i should go for Pretty Boy a visit, i'm sure your parents would love to meet him'

Those words made you feel sick to your stomach as you began to shake, this wasn't over and you knew that but you didn't think you would be putting anyone in danger, just from simply being around.

You knew that he was off on a case but you needed to hear him,  you needed to make sure that he was okay as you picked up your phone and made a phone call as you waited, growing more impatient with each ring that went by.

"Hello..?" the voice on the other end of the phone stated.


End of Chapter 4
Word count: 1290

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