Chapter 2

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CW; indications of Stalking

Its been about two weeks since the letters began to arrive

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Its been about two weeks since the letters began to arrive. Each morning, as you now reluctantly went down to your PO Box you were greeted with the same off white envelope. Taking a deep breath as your eyes focused on the red wax seal placed in the middle of the envelope trying to see if there was any clues that would give you an idea of who kept doing this.

Once you finally opened the envelope, you were greeted with a Polaroid photo of your family. The photo was clearly taken with no ones knowledge that they were put on camera. You stared at the photo for what felt like forever as small tears began to fill your eyes, the memories of the day began to fill your head before looking to read the note attached.

'Do you miss them?..'

Was all the letter stated. You couldn't do this anymore, the feeling of constant paranoia, having the feeling of being watched, having to constantly look over your shoulder. You needed it to stop but didn't know what to do since the local PD refused to help you. 

When your families case was officially considered unsolved you remembered one of the FBI Agents giving you an information card. 

You soon went over to your room and began to search for the card. Finding it between a pile of mail on your desk, you picked up your phone and began to dial the number before pressing your phone to your ear, waiting for anyone to pick up.


Shortly after the plane landed back in DC, Spencer was standing in the BAU putting sugar into his coffee, it had been a long and emotionally draining case so he was just glad to be back in DC for the time being.

"You heading out?" A females voice stated behind Spencer, causing him to turn his head towards the voice to see Emily standing there with her bag hanging off her shoulder,  looking back at Spencer.

Spencer simply shook his head. "Oh no, I've got some things I need to still take care of here." He stated before taking a sip of his coffee.

Emily  simply gave a nod. "Alright, well have a good rest of your evening." She stated before heading to the elevator.

"Yea, you too." Spencer said taking another sip of his coffee, before feeling a vibration in his pocket, reaching over and grabbing his phone pressing the answer button before placing it to his ear.


You fell silent ,as a small wave of panic rushing threw you once you heard someone answer the call. You didn't exactly know what to say but knew you had to say something.

"hello?, is this um.." You looked back down at the card, "Spencer Reid?" You asked as you read the name off the card.

"Speaking. Mind if i ask who may this be?" You heard the voice on the other end of the phone.

"Um..I don't know if you remember me but my names Y/N.  About three years ago you give this card in case i needed help." You stated as you took a deep breath, trying your best to calm down. You knew that this was a long shot. The local PD refused to help you so you doubted the thought that the FBI would but you had to at least give it a try.

"Ah, yes I remember you. Is there something you need help with?" He asked

"Yes.. well, at least I think I do." You stated as you could hear what seemed to be movement on the other end of the phone.

"Go on?" He stated which caused a small smile to appear on your face, as you thought that someone was going to finally take you seriously and want to help you.

You began to explain everything that had been happening the last two weeks, with the letters and photos. After you were done you waited for a responds on the other end but could only hear silence.

"You think i'm crazy, don't you?" You asked

"No, not at all.  Actually let me call you back." He said, hanging up the phone before you got the chance to speak, looking at your phone for a moment a bit, puzzled before setting it down, looking at the small Polaroid photo of what used to be a happy family as a small tear fell down your face and splatting on the picture.


Shortly after hanging up the phone, Spencer walked into Hotchners office. Where he saw Hotch sitting at his desk filling out paper work.

"What can I help you with Reid?" Hotchner asked not looking up from the stack of papers that rested on his desk.

"Do you remember the case we did about three years ago in Arizona?" Spencer asked, watching as Hotchners attention gaze up from the papers and onto Spencer.

"We've done a lot of cases in Arizona, can you specify?" Hotchner asked

"The unsolved case of Y/N family's murder, the case that I-" Spencer began to say before Hotchner cut him off.

"The case that your still working on, what about it?" Hotchner asked getting a little impatient as he had a lot of work to do.

"Yes that one, I received a phone call from Y/N, and shes been receiving letters. Letters that I believe could be or at least lead us to the unsub." Spencer stated. 

Hotchner was the only one who knew that Spencer had decided to try and solve this case on his own once it officially became a cold case.

"Has she contacted the local PD?" Hotchner asked.

"Yes, they don't wish to help, you know that this could be the break we need to finally solve this." Spencer stated

Hotchner didn't understand why he was so determined the last three years to solve this case, it wasn't the first case that ended up going unsolved.

"Look I know you want to solve this case but if the Local PD isn't investigating and there doesn't appear to be a killer at large, we don't have the jurisdiction or reason to investigate further." Hotchner stated as his focus went back down to the paper stack

" I've been investigating this case for the last three years and now that there is finally a break you want me to sit back and do nothing?" Spencer asked as he started to get annoyed by this.

"Until we get permission to go and investigate further I need you to stay focus on Active cases,"

"I'm not going to sit back and wait for Y/n's photo to appear on a victim bored to show that a killer is still out there and that she is in danger" Spencer spat out before Hotchner could say anything more. Spencer  had already stormed out of his office almost running into Morgan on his way out.

"Whoa." Morgan said as he moved slightly to the side to not get ran into before heading into Hotchners office.

Spencer had decided three years ago, that even if he had to do it alone he was going to find this unsub and bring him to justice. Heading to his desk to further think of a plan. Spencer soon pulled out his phone to make a phone call.


End of Chapter 2
Word count: 1230

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