Chapter 2: The Interruption And The Tertiary Assault

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          The day at the Apex Corporation was packed with people, employees of the company rushing to get their jobs done and citizens wanting to get their cybernetic prosthetics fixed or upgraded, as well as some other citizens trying to get their medical treatment or hire bodyguards for their personal use. Its was a day like any other at the Apex Corporation— Until it wasn't.

            On the office level, the employees were doing their jobs when all of a sudden, an aircraft that resembles a military transportation jet stopped outside the office's window. The side door of the vehicle opened and two individuals jumped right out from the vehicle and crashes right into the building through the window. The employees were shocked by the sudden arrival of the unwelcomed guest, their shock quickly turned into fear and soon, all the employees began scurrying away and screaming right on top of their lungs, running for their lives and evacuating the floor as quickly as possible like a flock of panicked sheep.

              "Area's clear,we're moving in!" said one of the intruders as he instructs his comrades to also enter. The intruders rushed the company floor by floor to get to their target. As they were about to reach Original's containment room, they were ambushed by armed guards of Apex's Security division. "FRONTLINE, TAKE EM DOWN." The lead soldier instructed which the guards open fired. The soldiers were tough, but the intruders were trained fighters as well. In no time, all the guards we're passed out while all the intruders stood unharmed.

                 The leader of the intruders then proceeds to command his comrades, saying: "Snapshot, Taaqavar, Rain, you three guard the door, me and Sherues will rescue the subject." "Affirmative" replied the 3 people as the leader and one of his comrade enters the containment room. Upon spotting them, Original screams in confusion :"WHO ARE YOU? YOU ARE NO MR PARK!" The leader slowly approced Original and calmed him down, saying :"Calm down kid, i'm here to get you out of containment, i'll explain everything once we get out of here, so cmon follow me." Original was confused at what the intruder was talking about but decided to trust the stranger and followed him. Original, alongside all of the other intruders rushed back to the aircraft to prevent the Apex guards from getting to them. As they got on the aircraft, more Apex guards arrived at the broken window where the intruders broke into, of course, they were too late. Just as the aircraft's door was about to close, the leader of the intruders caught a glimpse of a female apex guard with white hair and a rather handsome face. "Rena......"the leader exclaimed as the door closed. 

                   The leader let out a sigh and turned around to see a confused Original sitting there holding his head. The leader took of his helmet, revealing and old man in his 60s with a face that one can say resembles Sylvester Stallone. "I suppose i owe you an explanation, first allow me to introduce myself, My name is Koytaro Bushida, but you may call me Koy, im the leader of the rebellion operation known as the Tertiary Assault created to wipe out the corruption within Apex and return the company to their former glory." He reaches out his hand for a handshake. "I-i'm Original-" Original replies while shaking Koytaro's hand. Koytaro then says" Now as for why we had to get you out of here, its simple, in the past week we've gotten an email from an unknown individual stating that Apex has started developing on a new machine under the name "Project Voidbringer", not only that we've even received picture proof of the project thats curently in development!"

          Confused, Original ask:"Well what does that have to do with me?" which Koy replied:"This is where you come in, according to the email, Apex is trying to unlock the full potential of your power and use it to power up this "voidbringer" machine. By taking you away from them, it not only takes away one of the key factors to their machine, it also gives us a massive advantage in wiping out Apex's corruption." Original couldn't  believe it, Apex didn't actually want raise him so he can grow up healthily, but instead they raised him so that they could use him for their own benefit. 

                Filled with anger, he asked Koy:"Is there anything i can do to help you guys wipe out Apex's corruption and destroy the Voidbringer?" which koy smiles and replies :"Of course there is, just one simple request. I simply wish you can join us, the Tertiary Assault. Not only would it make our chances of victory higher, You would also give us a huge advantage over Apex. So, What do you say? You in?" Original replied: "Im in."

                   Koy smiled again. "Then its official." Koy stated. "Welcome to the Tertiary Assault, since you aren't a property of Apex anymore,i hereby give you a brand new callsign. From this day forth, Original and Subject-001 will cease to exist. You are now "Origin". Once again, welcome to the Tertiary Assault."

                  "Origin.......I like this name!" he thought to himself as he happily accepted the welcome to this new family and comrades.

                      Little did he know, his life was about to become far more interesting.

                      Little did he know, his life was about to become far more interesting

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