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Prolouge no. 2

It's been 2 years ever since you became a demon slayer,

There hasn't really been anything going on since, just slaying demons and such, you have also lost your emotions, but somehow still managed to be nice,

A lot of villagers loved you, mostly the ones you saved from your mission, you appreciated it of course,

You were known for being carefree,

A strong person.

But what else?

You shrugged it away,


You were busy training at the back of your house, until your kasugai crow reached out for you

As by instincts you reached your arm out, letting the crow land on your arm

"What is it Aseru?" You smiled gently as you gentle stroke your crows feather,

Your crow leaned onto your touch by nuzzling on your head

"Caw! Master Oyakata has requested your presence! Caw!" Your crow implied as it continued to nuzzle on your hand

'I wonder what it is this time..' You wondered, the last time you had a conversation with Kagaya was 2 years ago when he asked you to become a demon slayer,

And due to that you have became stronger than ever,

You weren't any other ordinary 14 years old kid, you had extraordinary strength because of being a demon slayer

"Alright.. Tell Kagaya-Sama I'll be there right away." You pet your crow one last time before it flew away again to report your visit


You are now walking around the demon slayer head-quarters, it has been awhile actually since you last visited, so it felt nice you got to visit again, only though because Kagaya wished to see you,

You have been busy these past months slaying and loathing demons.

Although it wasn't out of the ordinary for you,


You waited at the door in front of you to open after knocking,

After waiting for a good few seconds, the door has now opened,

It revealed 2 kids,

'Hm, seems like this is Kagaya-sama' s children..' You thought as the 2 children led you to your master

"Why hello dear, it has been awhile since we talked, please take a seat" Kagaya motioned a cushion beside him

You nodded as you walked towards the cushion Kagaya signaled you to sit on

The wind was really gentle, you could tell since the window was wide open, the birds were chirping, not loud, not too quite, just perfect.

You sat down on the cushion beside Kagaya, and waited for his response.

"You have been really doing excellent and your swordsmanship has improved throughout these years, and I'm really proud of you," Kagaya smiled as he looked at the window where the breeze was coming from,

"Arigato Oyakata-sama, but, not to sound rude or anything but what is the purpose of this meeting?" You asked tilting your head slightly, as you watch the man slowly shift his head back to you to answer your question

"Y/N L/N, it is because I would like to offer you something" Kagaya responded to your question

You nodded as you signaled that you were listening

"Would you like to become.. A hashira?"

You gasped, a visible shock on your face

"So what is it you choose dear?"


"I'd love to."



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(Here is Mui-kun lol)

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