Chapter 5: New Beginnings

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Four 4 months later. Tour is over. Were all heading home. This summer was amazing we have a few months before we are back on the road. Their is still traces of Juliet in the house. It smells like her. Her clothes are still in the closest. She only got enough to pack for tour. So I'm stuck with her mess and memory. I haven't seen her or Katie since the night we were at the park. I've tried calling and texting. No response. It really sucks because I could use a breath of fresh air. As I start unpacking I find a pile of Juliet's clothes by my bed, so like any scorned lover I grabbed a bottle of whiskey off the kitchen counter and drank the entire thing. She lied and cheated on me for years. "Fuck" I muttered... And like any drunken man I took her belongings and lit them on fire. She had most of her stuff out anyway. I don't think she would miss a few pairs of shorts a few shirts and some shoes I bought her. I don't need her reminders. Leaving me for her ex boyfriend was bad enough. I grabbed my phone and dialed Katie's number.

    "Hello" she said. "Hey Katie its Andy". I said. "I know who it is." She laughed in response. "Do you want to hang out?" I said. "Sure do you want to come pick me up?" She asked. " Yeah give me the address". I said. "Traffics going to be hell." She giggled. "Its worth it" I said and hung up. 45 minutes later. After an attempt to sober up. I was at her front door. "Hey Andy!" She said with a smile. "I'm sorry I've been avoiding you I was kinda pissed off." I just nodded and looked her up and down her hair was lighter. The black pieces of her hair had faded to a brown I assumed it was from being in the sun. Yet she was just as pale some how. "So where are we going Andy?" She asked still sounding apologetic. "To dinner and to the park I thought we could have a do-over of  that night." I replied sheepishly. "Sounds great let me grab a sweater."

I laughed at her it was still in the late 80's tonight and she needed a sweater. I grabbed her hand. And we set out for the night....

    As we drove into downtown Los Angeles, Katie and I talked about absolutely nothing but it was one of the most open and freeing conversations of my life. We talked about growing up in small towns in the middle of nowhere. How we accomplished things we never thought possible. We decided to eat at a Japanese restaurant in little Tokyo. I was trying to sober up so I ordered a coffee and a bowl of hot and sour soup. I stared at Katie as she flipped through the menu trying to figure out what she wanted. She got a little crinkle in her nose and I just sat across from her smiling like an idiot. "Have you decided what you wanted yet miss?" The waitress asked.  "Um yes I will have the spicy spring rolls and some egg drop soup." She replied. "Yes ill put your order in now." She handed the woman her menu.

    "So Andy what are are you doing lately?" She asked me. "Well tour just ended, I'm letting my hair grow out and that's all i can think of at the moment. How about yourself?" I asked. Staring at her. "Well I'm going to beauty school, I moved out of my parents place, and payed off my car." She said a proud look washed over her face. "That's great" I said smiling.

     We ate and talked for hours until the little restaurant closed. We got in the car and drove to the park. I parked the car and she hopped out and ran over to the sandbox she took off her shoes and ran around like a little kid at the beach for the first time. She was so much fun to watch laughing and smiling it made me feel happy again. "Come here!" she shouted. "Yes ma'am" I shouted back at her as I ran to the sandbox. I stood at the edge of the sandbox staring at the beautiful girl before me. She pulled me down into the sand. She laughed and pushed me  so I laughed louder and pushed her back and ruffled her hair.

     I sat up on my elbows and watched the stars. She stood up and ran over to the swings. I could feel her eyes looking me up and down half way across the park so i smiled and turned to look back at her. She blushed and turned away. I got up and walked behind her and pushed her on the swing. Listening to her giggle I felt so amazing in her presence. Maybe I was supposed to meet this girl. She jumped off the swing and walked underneath a tree. I followed. "Andy." she said. I waited eager to hear her response. "I'm really glad i met you." "Oh really?" I asked trying to pull off a calm and cool manner.

    "Yes of course. I was miserable until I met you." she said.  "I understand how you feel Katie one hundred percent." I replied. "You really are something else Andy." she said in a whisper. "I think your amazing and I'm sorry I ignored you for so long. I just didn't want to compete with Juliet."  "Well Kat their isn't any competition, Juliet and i have been over for a good three months or so now. That night she came by to get what was left of her shit. To be honest I haven't been able to get your smile out of my head."  She smiled at my last comment and said "It isn't really all that great, I had braces for like three years though." She knew I would laugh and it worked. "I really missed you Andy, I couldn't get you out of my mind either. I've had a fan-girl crush on you since I was 15. But now I'm getting to know the real you...and I'm not sure if it's gonna be a crush anymore after tonight...I watched her as she opened her mouth to speak again. "Andy I..." I stopped her before she could finish her sentence. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. Then her cheek and pulled her close. "Before you say anything else their is somewhere else I want to take you. She nodded grabbed her shoes. And we headed back to my car.

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