Heavy Denial

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The commanders of Voltron were currently on an important quest, bravely battling Galran warriors in hopes that their enemies would admit defeat and decolonise the planet they had unjustly taken over. 

Lance, being the sharpshooter he was, had already neutralised a fair amount of his opponents. Even though working with Keith instead of against him was definitely a challenge, he was doing quite well for himself, and for that, he was proud. He was quite literally working right next to his rival! Keith watching his back, and him watching Keith's. Of course, it wasn't easier for Keith, having to stop himself from making snarky insults when Lance did something stupid. Which was a lot, and sometimes it was too hard to hold back, so he'd just say it.

They'd had already infiltrated the main base on the planet, the abode of most Galran soldiers there. 

"They're going to back down soon, I can feel it." Lance thought to himself. He took a few glances at Keith. 

"He looks... pretty. Especially his hair. I would totally..." He stops his train of thought. 

"Wait... what am I thinking??? What?" He inaudably says to himself. He then immediately digs the thought down into the back of his brain, hoping he won't remember it again. 

"Still... I can't deny it. Keith is one handsome man... no homo." 

Keith doesn't notice Lance's admiring glances on him, too focused on the fighting and shooting. 

"I wonder how many people I've killed already. How many families I've devasted. Wait... what am I thinking? Their GALRA." He thinks, and goes back to being insanely focused on the task at hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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