Chapter 4

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Everyone was shocked, causing a commotion in the classroom. "Wow, I didn't see that coming," Yuu said with a chuckle.

Grim looked annoyed. "So, does this mean we have to treat her like a teacher's pet?" he grumbled.

As the commotion settled down, Divus Crewel cleared his throat and spoke sternly, "Ahem, as amusing as this may be, let's get back to the lesson at hand. And for your information, Grim, treating your fellow classmates with respect and courtesy is not a matter of being a teacher's pet. It's simply the right thing to do."

Grim just grumbled under his breath, but Yuu could tell he was starting to understand the severity of the situation.

Meanwhile, Suz just laughed it off and reassured Grim, "No need to worry, Grim. I won't be grading your potions assignments."

Ace then piped up, "But Suz, why didn't you introduce yourself with your full name?"

Suz's sly smile hinted at a hidden motive. "Oh, it's a surprise. I quite enjoy seeing your reaction just now," she teased.

Divus, not one to tolerate tardiness or distractions, got straight to business. "Suz, please hand out the pop quiz papers to the students. You have one hour to complete the test. Those who fail will have to attend extra classes. Show me how your training is coming along." he instructed.

Ace and Deuce quickly turned to Suz as she approached their desks. "Do you have any tips for us?" Deuce asked, hopeful for any advantage he could get.

Suz shook her head apologetically. "I'm sorry, I can't do that. It wouldn't be fair to everyone else. Just do your best," she advised.

As the students began the quiz, Riddle completed it quickly, as expected from one of the top students in Night Raven College. However, Ace, Deuce, and Grim struggled with the questions, earning a chuckle from Suz.

To her surprise, Yuu had no trouble with the quiz, despite being a human. "Wow, you're good at this, Yuu," Suz complimented her.

Yuu shrugged. "I managed to learn a few things," she said modestly.

As the hour drew to a close, the students handed in their papers. Divus collected them with stern expressions, leaving the students to wonder how they had fared on the test.

"Stay! That'll do for today."

As the class ended and the students started packing up their things, Yuu called out to Suz. "Suz, wait! I have something to ask you." Suz paused and turned around, "What's the matter, Yuu-chan? Is it about the investigation?"

Divus overheard their conversation and looked puzzled. "What investigation? Suz, don't tell me you're involved in something shady."

Yuu quickly shook her head, "No, no, it's nothing like that, sir. It's just a small investigation that Grim, Ace, Deuce, Cater, Riddle, and I are investigating."

Yuu went on to explain the recent accidents, mentioning that they suspected the Savanaclaw dorm. Suz nodded in agreement and said, "It seems like my suspicion is correct, fufu."

Divus looked even more confused, "What suspicion are you talking about?"

Suz hesitated for a moment before explaining, "A few years ago, I heard that the Savanaclaw dorm lost the Spelldrive tournament to Diasnomnia Dorm. After that, they wanted to take back their reputation, so they have been causing accidents to talented players to win."

Divus shook his head in disbelief, "Those bad dogs. I can't believe they would stoop so low."

Suz nodded in agreement, "And our dear headmage Crowley has asked them to investigate. Such a responsible headmage, isn't he? Hehe, what a crow."

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