Chapter 10

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"Divus, are you alright? You look strange," Suz asked, concerned about her brother. The bell had rung a few minutes ago, signaling the end of the final exams for all students. Suz had brought a cup of coffee for Divus, knowing that he would be busy grading the test papers.

"Oh, it's you, Suz. Thanks for the coffee," Divus replied with a faint smile, taking a sip. "To be honest, something seems off. Almost everyone studied diligently for this exam, but the questions are completely different from what they had prepared for."

He handed Suz a test paper for her to have a look at. As she flipped through the pages, she realized that the answers might not be the same, but the explanations provided were unusually clear.

"This is really strange... What about Ace, Deuce, and Grim?" Suz took a seat behind Divus and glanced at the stack of test papers.

Divus handed her their papers, which were scored perfectly. Suz furrowed her brows, feeling perplexed, and muttered, "Ace scored 92 points, Deuce scored 88 points, and Grim scored 85 points?! Not to offend, but I recall their quiz scores weren't that high, right?"

"That's right, and in fact, the class average has gone up to a degree one might call... unusual," Divus replied, glancing at the stacks of test papers and fiddling with the red pen in his hand.

Suz tilted her head, resting it on the table. "Why is that?" Divus gently patted her head before explaining, "I calculated it just now, and the average test scores for potions are over 90 in all grades."

"Huh?! That's impossible!" Suz exclaimed in disbelief, her eyes widening.

Professor Trein entered the office, holding a bundle of test papers in one hand and cradling his chubby cat, Lucius, in the other. He greeted Professor Crewel with a knowing smile, sensing a shared predicament.

"I see you're faced with the same conundrum as I am, Professor Crewel," Trein remarked, his voice laced with curiosity. Divus narrowed his eyes in curiosity and responded, "I presume the results are unusually high as well?"

Professor Trein nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Indeed, it's quite peculiar. The performance in history, in particular, seems to be remarkably outstanding. Oh, and good afternoon, Suz."

"Good afternoon, Professor Trein." She stood up from the chair and smiled, clapping her hands to get Lucius's attention as the chubby cat jumped into her arms, leaving Professor Trein to chuckle lightly.

As Suz caressed the fur of Lucius, Professor Trein carefully set the stack of papers on the desk, and with a gesture, he motioned for Divus to join him, inviting him to examine the papers closely.

"I've analyzed the test scores in detail, and it appears that the students have displayed an exceptional grasp of historical events and their significance," Professor Trein explained. "Their knowledge surpasses what is typically expected at this stage of their education."

Suz carefully took one of the papers and examined it, her eyes scanning the answers. With a furrowed brow, she commented, "These responses don't seem to be derived from the textbooks we provided for the course."

Professor Trein, in agreement, nodded and gestured toward a particular question. "Indeed, Suz. Take a closer look at this answer. It is unmistakably clear that it deviates significantly from the information covered in our prescribed textbooks."

As Suz focused her attention on the highlighted question, Professor Trein continued, ""We must investigate this matter further, Professor Crewel. The exceptionally high results are rather perplexing, and I cannot shake this unsettling feeling that something is amiss."

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