Chapter 1; The Meeting

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"Yes screen print finally! This is definitely going to be an easy A," I say to my best friend, Kay. "Of course, and we get to make our own t-shirts, hell yeah." We walk inside and scope out the room. Green walls? In a classroom? Cool, I guess. The teacher, Mr. Benji, has wicked hair. Damn he seems cool. "Sit wherever you want guys!" He said. Me and Kay give each other the "look" and ran to the seats in the middle. Mr. Benji seems like a chill dude, oh, he's talking "Okay so I want you all..." Blah blah blah. Zoning out... Now.

"Hey, Spence. Dude earth to Spence, check out the eye candy."

Eye candy? I'm awake now. I look over to the door and I see the two most hottest teacher assistants walk into the class. I'm in love. But one caught my eye, and another caught Kay's. Me and Kay turn to each other and begin to wig out. In our heads, I knew we were thinking the same thing: "OHMTGOD THEYRE SO HOT IM CRYIN." Senior boys? Hell yes.

I'm a freshman? So what. Age is just a number.

Immediately I hear Kay scream into my ear: "DIBS ON THE BLONDIE WITH LONG HAIR."

FINE BY ME! I got my eyes on the brown haired one. I obviously sit up and fix my hair because I'm going to be seeing them the whole semester! Why not make a good first impression as in look as attractive as possible and act natural all it the same time. Perfect.

Oh no, Benji talking again. Whatever, I'll listen and make it look like I'm interested: " Okay kids, for the screens after you emulsion them you immediately have to put them in the dark room. The dark room is in that corner over there and it is what it's called: a small dark room. Only three in there at most at a time."

Woah wait, DARK ROOM?????? So Benji is telling me there is a place I can fulfill all my hookup fantasies in one room??

Hallelujah I'm getting it in.

I get up and walk to get my laptop from the cabinet and I feel someone's eyes on me. I turn to where the cubbies are and I see him. Him. Parker is his name, and I caught him staring at me and him trying to play it off. Could life get any better? It would be if class was longer cause the dumb bell just rang reminding me I have to leave the class where there are hot senior boys making t shirts and working. Hot damn, I got to get to PE. Whatever. I take one last look at my babe and leave. Whew. This is going to be a great semester.

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