Chapter 2

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"Kay hold up, you look amazing. You have to talk to the TA today!!" She looked at me with a crazed face, her hazel eyes almost popping out of her sockets. "Are you crazy? I look like crap." Nope Kay, you're the crazy one here. She's wearing the best outfit, perfectly fitting into the beach boy TA's liking: a white tank top, medium wash ripped jeans, and some gold and white platform sandals. Geez, I wish I was wearing that. I'm in a grey and black striped long sleeve, black shorts, and black gladiator sandals. As you can see, I wear a wide range of colors. "No you don't, you're talking to him today wether you like it or not." I began walking towards the class, seeing Kay's wavy brown hair cascade down her back. I entered the classroom after her and made my way to our middle seats. I look at the clock and look around, seeing a glimpse of Benji's crazy white hair in the distance. And then the moment came where I heard footsteps from Heaven. I face the door and see the two most handsome souls walk into the room. My heart skipped a beat when his chocolate eyes met mine, looking deep into my eyes and lingering there for a second too long. I catch a smirk from Kay's man, Nate is his name, turning to Parker and whispering something in his ear to make his cheeks flush red. I wonder what Nate said. Beside me I heard grunts attempting to be muffled yet failed by Kay, not being able to contain her "SF," meaning: sexual frustration. I feel you, Kay. "He's so hot.. Oh my god, he's tying his hair up I'm going to cry. I know what I'm gonna do. I'll go walk past him and compliment his shirt. He makes those right?" Yes. Now go do your thing!! I feel the ground vibrate as Kay pushes in her chair and makes an approach to Nate. Man, I can't wait to hear this. "H-hey, your names Nate right?" He looks up and his eyes instantly brighten at the sight of her presence and I can see auras of excitement and nervousness beaming off of her. He smiles at her: "Yeah it is, what's yours?" He eyes his way up and down Kay's body, obviously not trying to cover that he's checking her out, Oh shit, Kay's blushing "Cool, my names Kay, I really like your shirt, you made it right?" His eyes light up almost garishly with happiness, and begins to talk to her about his clothing ideas and life. Get it in Kay. Oh wait, then there's me. And Parker. Should I ask him to help with my screen? In the dark room? No way it's too early, I have to get to know him first. Come on, Spence. Talk to him! Ughhhhh. Yolo right? That's stupid, yet true. Might as well. Get your ass up Spence, you're talking to Parker.
I stand up and begin walking towards the back printing room, where he's sitting, ever so concentrated on cutting the paper pieces for our stickers. God, he looks so cute. His short brown hair barely falling over his forehead, swooping it back. Fuck it, I'm talking to him. Let's do this.

"Uh hey, need a hand?"

"Actually yeah sure, that would be nice." He smiled.

He smiled, that's a good sign. Okay cool I'll just sit next to him. I move and pull out the chair and take a seat next to him.

"So, what's your name, TA boy?"

He chuckles and I see his subtle dimples for a quick moment, bringing butterflies into my stomach.

"I'm Parker, and I'm much more than a TA boy once you get to know me. How about you?"

"Well then I will definitely be getting to know you better, and I'm Spencer, but you can just call me Spence."

We talk playfully and laugh over stupid things while cutting paper. How random and cute. Power couple!

Not wanting this period to end, the schedule wanted to piss me off and have the bell ring. I begin to stand and so does he. I walk to grab my bag, and also attempt to in the most attractive way, even though I probably look like a man in heels. I got up and turned and the first thing I saw was his face.

"Ready to go? I can walk you to class."

Oh. My. God. He wants to walk me to class? Boyfriend material right here.

My cheeks flush and so does his as we have a quick moment and then begin to leave the class. We walk out and the sun immediately beams on me, burning and blinding me at the same time. Got to stay casual though right?

"It's such a beautiful day, so hot."

I heard a quick mutter that was believed by the speaker to be unheard: "Like you."

"What did you say? I didn't catch it." I lied. I did know what he said, I just wanted to see if he would repeat it.

"O-oh nothing uhhh haha I was just reminding myself something."


Aw he's a bit embarrassed, that's cute. But PE isn't cute, and we're there, my next period class. I turn to him and as we exchange our goodbyes and, see you tomorrow's, I begin to turn and hear his voice say: "I walked all this way for no hug?" I turned and saw his mouth turn into a frown and his hands held out for an embrace. I inch closer to him and once his arms wrapped around my body, and tight I may say, I was putty by then, overwhelmed with his attractiveness and the fact that he is holding me in his arms. What is life? Because I think I'm in heaven.

"Bye, Spence." I give him a little smile as he does the same and then turn to walk down to the locker rooms.

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