Dark's Warning

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After quick recap about the things he had talked about, and how he was also trying to get home.

            “So any idea on how to get back home?” asked Victoria drinking some water she had left from her pack.

            “Well from what I have learned from being her for about a month, I think there is a portal to get from this world Lelivon to our world. How did you get here” he asked.

Victoria thought she would joke with him so she thought I came here riding a unicorn on a rainbow. She was so happy to see Eric’s face when she thought that.

“I’m kidding, I fell through a crevasse, I was fighting with Zayvin” said Victoria holding back a smile. Eric pointed up to the sky, Victoria burst out laughing.

There was a unicorn running on a rainbow, Victoria shoved Eric and the picture faded. “How did you do that?” laughed Victoria. Eric laughed too, he wiggled his fingers.

“Magic.  I told you the time I’ve been spent here I have learned some magic” he laughed. His elk reared Eric pulled the reins, the elk took off running. Victoria got on her horse and kicked and he shot off.

“I’ll name you Dark” said Victoria patting the horse on the neck. Dark neighed and started running faster, until they caught up to Eric. “Hah! Race you!” yelled Victoria and Dark shot right past Eric.

Eric pushed the elk’s antlers forward and the elk shot forward but, it never could pass Dark. Victoria stopped near a tall evergreen pine.

“Whoa, that horse is fast, here horses are used as hunting game, and elks are used as farm animals” breathed Eric while he buckled over. Victoria grabbed a bottle of water and passed it to Eric, he drank the entire bottle in a couple of minutes.

Then they heard Dark neigh loudly, “its Dark!” said Victoria, she stood up and peaked around the thick truck, there was a dark hooded figure trying to get on Dark. Eric looked around the trunk at the same time, and he crushed the bottle in his hand.

He grabbed small whistle and blew in it but, no sound came out. Victoria rolled her eyes and elbowed him in the ribs hard. He rubbed his ribs and mouthed ‘Ouch!’

“What was that for? It’s a darkhound whistle, it will bring them and they will stop him” whispered Eric still rubbing his side. Victoria felt bad about elbowing him.

There was a blood-chilling howl, and a pack of pure black wolf-like came out of the forest. The hooded figure didn’t see the hounds and continued to try to unbuckle the saddle.

Dark neighed and reared, he hooded figure’s hood fell off. Victoria was very surprised; it was a boy no more then her age. Victoria couldn’t help herself; he couldn’t let the hounds maul him.

“Look out! Darkhounds” she yelled through her hands, cupped over her mouth.

The figure look up just in time and ran toward the tree where Eric was hiding. Eric blew the whistle again and the hounds ran back to the forest. Eric put a hand to his face and dragged it down.

“Thanks a lot” he mouthed rolling his eyes.  Eric stepped out of the tree he was behind; he was at least 3 inches taller than the hooded boy. The boy stopped at ran toward the tree Victoria was behind but, right before he reached her, he tripped over a thick root. Which Eric must have used Magic to pull it up, Victoria again rolled her eyes.

Eric burst out laughing, he was leaning against the tree. The hooded boy was clearly scared of Eric and began to scramble backward blindly at the sight of him.

“Just relax, we aren’t going to hurt you. Well at least I’m not,” she said placing a hand in his shoulders. The boy’s head whipped around, and his shoulders relaxed a bit.

“What are you doing trying to steal Victoria’s horse” Eric said sternly he clearly enjoyed making the hooded boy scared.

The boy stood up and walked toward Eric, “I’m Aaron, and for your information, this horse was already stolen from Elicoy hunting range” said the boy standing just inches from Eric.

Eric laughed “Victoria you have been here for what? 4 hours and you have already stolen horse.” Eric’s laugh seemed to make Aaron even madder. Victoria blushed.

“Okay then, Aaron; Even though that horse was already stolen, doesn’t mean you can re-steal it” laughed Eric. Victoria rolled her eyes and looked at Aaron’s bite; the bite was full of pine needles, and dirt.

“Here let me see your wound,” said Victoria kneeling down to examine the wound closer. My small cut hurt I can’t believe how much this must hurt, Victoria thought.  

Aaron flinched, Victoria looked though her bag, until she found it; a small first aid kit. Victoria opened the hand sized aid kit; there were a couple of bandages, an antibiotic spray, and a gauze wrap.

“Hold still this might sting a little” lied Victoria. She had a small cut on her finger and it stung like crazy!

Victoria sprayed the antibiotic on the bite wound. Aaron let out a cry of pain. Eric muffled a chuckled; Victoria shot Eric a sour glare.  Victoria wrapped the wound in the gauze.

“So, where are you guys going? Galmon? Falxia? Or are you guys running from the police?” Asked Aaron, limping on his wounded leg.  Before Victoria could answer Eric did.

“I might ask you the same question Aaron.” Said Eric standing up from leaning on the tree.

Victoria stopped both of them, “I’m trying to get back to my world. Do you know how?” asked Victoria. Eric shot her a warning glare, ‘Oh! Right! It’s illegal to cross from one world to another, sorry, she thought.

Eric nodded; Victoria had forgotten that Eric could read minds. Eric laughed a short hearty laugh. Victoria was starting to get annoyed with Eric’s Leticia.

“Aaron, so how did you get here? Oh, and by the way, you shouldn’t walk on that leg. The poison from the bite will cause your heart to stop pumping and your-” Said Eric smiling at the look of pure horror on Aarons face.

“Eric! Stop it! You have already scared Aaron to death!” snapped Victoria not wanting to picture what he had said. She hated death, and anything about it.

“Victoria? Hello anyone in there?” laughed Eric, waving his hand in front of Victoria’s face. Victoria blinked her eyes rapidly, she had just blacked out. Just then the noise of thundering hooves broke the silence; Eric’s face when pale, a deathly pale.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2013 ⏰

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