Who is there?

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After for what seemed like thirty seconds, Victoria carefully opened her eyes. Thinking she was going to see a kingdom of white, turned out to be an evergreen forest. Victoria tried to move but her leg protested, she felt her calf and there was about a three-inch gash on it, she remembered that branch had cut her.

Victoria grabbed her water bottle from her small pack and poured the water on the gash. It stung every time she did it but if her parents thought her anything about wounds it was to stop the cut from becoming infected. She ripped a strip a cloth from her pack.

            After nursing her wound, with the small contents of her bag, she started walking, no more like limping toward a clearing. But in the clearing there was a horse ranch, there was at least twenty horses. She walked toward the closest sable.

            There was a pure black, muscular horse. The horse had a saddle, and it had reins. It was far enough from the rest of the horses so she would not spook them.

 “It can’t get easier” laughed Victoria mounting the horse and snapping the reins. The horse reared, and bucked trying to get her off.

“Shh, it’s ok.” Cooed Victoria while stroking the horse’s mane, soon the horse calmed down. The horse started trotting then running, Victoria jabbed her heel in the thigh of the horse and then she stopped him.

The wound on her thigh had gotten worse; the cloth she used which was white was now a bright red. Victoria peeled the cloth off the wound; the cloth was plastered to her jeans and her leg.

She suddenly heard a voice coming from behind her, “That’s a nasty wound you got there, what happened? A darkhound get you?” Victoria jumped up and turned around.

A boy with black hair and blue eyes, about Victoria’s age was leaning up against the tree. Victoria looked over him to see if he was alone; he was. He only had an elk with a saddle and reins.

“Who are you? And what are you doing here?” Snapped Victoria, the boy kind of looked like Zayvin, so she held a grudge against him. The boy let out a short laugh, which made Victoria madder.

“Who’s Zayvin?” laughed the boy, Victoria felt like spraying the boy in the face with her pepper spray, because he was such a jerk.

“How do you know that?” snapped Victoria, she had her finger ready on the trigger of her pepper spray. Why did this kid think he was, the king? And if he was the king it was of Annoying town.

“You must really not be from around here, where you from” he paused a second then smiled, “your from Anaheim, but you were camping in the my neighborhood, the Wasatch mountains, right?” he said.

Vitoria was stunned how did this boy, that she just met knew all of this. She released the safety of the pepper spray and was going to spray his face. The boy laughed, and when Victoria raised the spray she felt someone jerk it out of her hand.

“I wouldn’t do that, and to answer your question, why I know about Zayvin? I used Leticia the art of reading minds. You must not be from this world right? Well neither am I, by the way I’m Eric” laughed Eric still leaning against the tree.

“Wait! So mind reading is real,” said Victoria more to herself then to Eric.  She got on to her horse and motioned for him to follow.  Eric nodded and mounted his elk.

“Tell me more about this place while we ride” said Victoria when Eric caught up to her.

“So where do I begin?” asked Eric.

“Start off where you left off” said Victoria.

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