Chapter 2; Leave Me Alone!

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Why are you in such a bad mood, you didn’t get asked to the dance or something!?” Snapped Zayvin, he usually never blew his top, but he was about to.

“Your so annoying! You are such a…” Victoria could not think of anything to say. She was fighting with her best friend. Maybe he was not her best friend. After all he did put her in this situation in the first place. It was his entire fault!

What! What are you going to say?” Yelled Zayvin, now he didn’t care who heard him. He was mad no, he was much more then mad.

Victoria bolted toward the clearing where they saw the lion, leaving Zayvin stunned in the entrance to the woods. Soon, he took off after her; he started closing in on her.

Suddenly Victoria spun around to face him, she smiled, she started to climb in to a huge oak tree, and soon she was at least ten feet above Zayvin. She knew that with Zayvin size, he could not climb up to the top, up the slender limbs; but she could.

“Hey” yelled Zayvin, while climbing up the limbs. He knew if Victoria got high enough in the tree than, he could not get to her. That must have been her idea; she was climbing up, higher and higher.

Soon Victoria stopped at the top of the tree, but there was a little problem. The branches were still very thick and strong up high in the tree. 

Zayvin saw that the branches were still thick where Victoria stopped. Zayvin began to climb faster, two branches at a time, then three; his strong arms really did help, it helped Zayvin not Victoria.

Soon he was right below Victoria. Victoria decided to do something crazy; she grabbed her small spray bottle of pepper spray and got ready to jump to the nearby pine tree.

Zayvin saw a small bottle clutched in the palm of Victoria’s hand; she was crouching on the branch her was on. Victoria shifted the small bottle in her hand, just enough for Zayvin to see the red top and the black body. It was a bottle of SHU 16% pepper spray.

Zayvin snapped a branch, and Victoria sprayed the pepper spray where the branch had snapped. Then Victoria leaped toward the tall pine a couple feet away.

“Come on!” mumbled Zayvin climbing down. He knew that the pine had much slimmer branches at the top then the oak they were in, and if he jumped he would fall, and break his leg or worst.

Zayvin started to climb the pine. His arms were protesting with every movement. Victoria was far up the pine, until she stopped, she had multiple cuts from the needles and she was very tired.

Zayvin was very close, to the branch she was on. The nearest tree was on the other side of a small crevasse in the rock that when down, for what seemed like forever.

Suddenly she heard a crack below, it was Zayvin! His branches had snapped he had managed to stop himself on a nearby branch. Victoria leaped toward the other tree on the other side of the deep crevasse.

She leaped up she came up short, she fell but down and down in to the very rocky crevasse. She let out a screamed that sounded like, ‘help!’ soon she was gone, swallowed by the seemly endless crevasse, but not before a branch scratched her thigh.

She started thinking “I am going to die because of Zayvin!

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