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Charles Leclerc could only look up at his media liaison, Ellie Green, with a bored expression as she threw the latest tabloid out onto the table in front of him. The glossy paper slapped the surface loudly and the Monegasque glanced down for a moment long enough to read the headline: 'Intoxicated Icon Charles Leclerc Kicked Out of the Sixth Bar This Month'. A small smirk played at the corner of his lips at the memory. How was he supposed to know the girl he was flirting with was the wife of the manager? It was worth it, he thought, for she was one of the better looking girls he'd kissed since his ex-girlfriend.

"Do you not care?" Ellie threw her arms up in frustration as she berated the young driver.

Charles cocked an eyebrow. "Am I supposed to?"

"Sponsors are going to be looking to renew with Ferrari over the next year and, if you don't get your act together, they'll pull out." Once she saw the words weren't having the impact on her driver as she had wanted, she expressed herself in clear and simple terms that pricked even his wandering attention: "You'll lose your seat without the funding."

"I'll lose my seat?" he said with a scoff. "Yeah, right."

"You'll lose your seat," she repeated, more firmly this time. She shifted her weight onto her hands as she leaned on the table, casting her shadow on his stubbles face. "I get that you're in a bit of a career slump," Charles exhaled softly through his nose in amusement - 'a bit of a career slump' was certainly an understatement given his streak of bad luck and poor strategy in the first half of the season, "but this isn't the way to make yourself feel better, Charles."

"I'm fifty points behind my teammate in a car that could be in contention for the championship if other people didn't fuck it up for me, forgive me for wanting a little release from time-to-time."

"From time-to-time?" She let out a laugh that Charles felt in his soul. He really didn't like the way she was making him feel, with these threats and glares. "You've been this way all summer and during your off-weekends! The team have noticed and if things don't change, you'll be gone before the season is over."

Charles stood up from his seat, copying her pose with his hands on the desk in an attempt to shrink her back, but she held her ground. They locked eyes for what felt like an eternity for the Monegasque before he conceded, sinking back into his chair with a huff. "What do you want me to do?"

"No more bars," she started. Charles flexed his fists and sighed, although he didn't protest. "You do not put yourself in any position that could compromise your image any more."

"I can manage that." He didn't quite believe his own words, but he didn't want to call the team's bluff. If he gets kicked out of his seat, there's a high chance he'll go into the following season seat-less. There's no other team that he's wanted to race for since he was a young boy starting out in karts. Without Ferrari, what was he?

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