02 - the second date

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the person with the best comment earns my love and affection forever (yes i am easily bought lmao)

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the person with the best comment earns my love and affection forever (yes i am easily bought lmao)


"So, what do you say, bel?"

Annabel composed herself quickly and looked down at Charles with a raised eyebrow. The Monegasque felt his heart sink. "That was a date, was it?" she quipped, her arms folding across the banister.

"I sure hope it was." Charles clutched the bouquet a little tighter in his fist, ignoring the poking of some stray leaves and thorns into his palm. Her expression was unreadable, although she knew exactly what she was feeling: hurt that he was suddenly back after next-to-nothing communication; frustrated that he just expected her to drop everything and agree to whatever he had planned; but also intrigued as to why he made such an effort for her.

To Charles' surprise, Annabel pushed herself up and moved out of view. Panic set in and he desperately called up to her, however got no response. "Shit," he mumbled under his breath, along with a few other curses. The bouquet of red roses fell slack in his hand and he was ready to turn on his heel and walk back down the narrow street when the front door creaked open. Annabel squeezed through the small gap she had opened for herself before closing the door behind her.

"I thought it was easier to speak face to face rather than yelling to each other from the balcony," Annabel explained. Her fingers played with the hem of her dress and she couldn't hold Charles's gaze for more than a few moments at a time. "Charles, I appreciate the offer and would love to take you up on it-"

"I can feel a 'but' coming," he interrupted.

Annabel smiled sadly. "I have to work. My shift starts soon."

"No it doesn't!" A voice called down from the balcony. Both Annabel and Charles whipped their heads to look up, only to see a grinning Mariana. "You're fired for the rest of the day, Mija!"

"Fi-" Annabel scoffed and looked up at her mother. "Mama, I'm fired?"

"Only for the day," Mariana reassured her daughter. "You can be hired again after your date with this fine looking gentleman." Charles smiled at the compliment and looked to Annabel.


Mariana's hush carried all the way to her daughter's ears. "Go. Atrapasueños can manage without you. Don't make me lock you out of the bar."

Annabel thought about arguing with her mother by bringing up the fact that locking her out of the bar would also keep her customers out, but she had lived a long enough life with the matriarch to know that that would earn a shoe in the direction of her head. She exhaled softly through her slightly parted lips and then turned to Charles, who was looking increasingly hopeful at the prospect of a second date. This hope skyrocketed when Annabel reached out, took the bouquet from his hands, and brought them up to her nose. Her brown eyes closed as she inhaled the scent deeply.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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