01 - how they met

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i'm pretty sure i've settled on writing this story in the third person, but if you guys are opposed to that and would prefer it in the first from either charles or annabel's perspective, please let me know!

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i'm pretty sure i've settled on writing this story in the third person, but if you guys are opposed to that and would prefer it in the first from either charles or annabel's perspective, please let me know!

enjoy <3


Annabel Acosta left gentle kisses on both her parents' cheeks before they left that morning. Whilst she usually wouldn't pass up any opportunity to visit her grandparents, even just helping them out with the groceries like her parents were doing today, she knew she couldn't waste a chance to be alone. She waved down at them from the balcony and, once they turned the corner at the end of the narrow street and slipped from view, sat down to the floral metal patio table. The notebook in front of her bulged with post-it notes and wear from the many words scribbled on the pages.

Writing has always been a huge part of the young Spaniard's life, finding inspiration in the beauty of her hometown, Estepona, and the passing tourists. She craved these moments of peace, which didn't come often enough in Annabel's mind. In between working the bar, family time, and indulging in her best friend's antics, there was little time to just sit in the sunshine and write to her heart's content.

The tall glass of gin, tonic, lemon, and ice slipped against Annabel's fingers, the condensation giving a satisfying chill to keep her going between sips. She traced shapes as she stared off at the white walls of the apartment that peaked through the overgrown leaves of the ivy that stretched up from the street. Bright rays of sunlight beamed relentlessly down on her, a common trait of early August in the South of Spain. The light fabrics of Annabel's summer dress would usually be shifting in the breeze, however it was unusually calm that Wednesday afternoon.

Just as her fountain pen dotted the end of her first poem of the day, an appreciation of the ocean that kissed the sands only a few streets from her house, a rattle sounded from the ground below. Annabel hesitated as she grabbed the railing of the balcony, afraid she was about to catch sight of an attempting intruder. The thought sounded silly to her considering it was the middle of the day and, although her street wasn't usually busy, there were certainly people around. However, there was also a huge sign on the inside of the door downstairs that read 'cerrado/closed' so there was no confusion that the bar wasn't open for the day.

Finally, she plucked up the courage to peer over. A tall young man wearing denim shorts and a white button up had his hands cupped against the window. He peaked through the glass for a few moments before trying the door again, eventually giving up and running his hand through his brown curls in annoyance. Annabel couldn't help the smile of amusement that played at her pink lips - it's always fun to play with tourists. "You must be the worst thief ever making that much noise."

The man looked up upon hearing Annabel's voice, squinting from the sun as he tried to locate the source. Eventually his eyes settled on the girl leaning casually against the balcony, her brown hair tucked behind her ears and her skin glowing like amber in the light. "Is this your bar? Are you open?"

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