4. Hipity Hopity, This Is My Property

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TW// mature language, mention of blood


Thirty minutes have passed of Malvin being stared at, whilst he himself stared into nothing in particular.
Thirty. Painful. Excruciatingly slow. Goddamn. Minutes.

But he kept his face up, his back straight, and his eyes never wandered onto the 'mythical' creature to his left.

Nor did the mer-person stop with warningly swaying it's tail.

Eventually, after those thirty dreaded, but altogether necessary minutes have passed, and the mer-person decided Malvin isn't a threat, nor an immidiet full-course meal, it flopped back into the water, slowly sliding it's enchanting-aura-giving body deeper and deeper,careful as to not hurt itself.

Finally being to himself alone, he let out a loud breath, laying his back onto the pathway behind him.

Although they had a strong fence between them, that had electricity cursing through wires on the top of it, he still felt a bit safer without the creature stalking him.

He followed the creature with his gaze, relaxing when he saw it just lurk around sluggishly, hauling it's gorgeous tail behind, not giving him a second glance, now, that it put a label on him, saying 'harmless, and lamest hooman ever'.

The mer-person took a sharp right turn, the angle, at which it did so, inhuman enough to fascinate him, and towed it's heavy body into the cavern.

Long, black claws scratching at the ground as it pushed itself towards the elevated stone-tablet, curling up on it lazily.


Two midnight black eyes slowly fluttered open as streaks of the rising Sun broke the surface, coming down sixteen feet, to the bottom of the tank.

Not that it mattered it mattered, nor was acknowledged how deep the water was precisely.

A throathy growl shook the water in the near vacinity, as a pitch black tail uncurled.

Sniffing into the water, blood could be smelled. And where blood was, food was.

Locating, creeping upon the prey, and...

Confusion overtook the features of the Siren's face.

The food was dangling very much above water-level.

Oh, well. Sweet little treat for letting my ass get caught.

Slowly rising, one thought repeated in the Siren's head;


Breaking the surface, digging claws into fleshy meat, striking spiked tail into it, paralyzing it with menacingly dripping poison, hissing.

Two seconds later, landing back in the waters, food claimed, a happy smile taking over gorgeous and full, pearly, pink lips.

"Yeah, I think it was hungry." Gerry inclined, looking at his partner.

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock." Hans rolled his eyes.

The two workers started to roll the automaticly moving wire back to be able to clean it from dripping scarlet drops, when with a shriek, the creature launched from the water, slashing the wire with it's claws, like knife through butter.

They jerked back, even though the impenetrable fence defended them.

"Well, there goes that.." Gerry broke the momments of silence between them, as laughter bubbled up their throats.

Though they didn't get even a glimpse of the creature, they knew it terrified them to the very core already.


It awoke again, in the cavern of the brown corall, as the Sun shone through the mouth of it's home, with silky pins of light.

After destroying the wire, the creature spent the previous day swimming rounds and rounds in it's new territory, scratching the corall's, pushing the hard sand around, making little nests, for itself to lay in, just for the artificial waves to wash them away.

It rose from the water-level, poking it's head up, using the stone hut as coverage.

The thing from yesterday sat there again, but two midnight orbs immidietly pick up on the change of distance.

The Siren's mind raced past memmories, trying it's best to remember.

They said it, I know, I just need to.. What was it!? Ho..-pper? No, not quite, ho....-homan ?
Something like that. Yeah... homan

Creeping up on the homan, dangerously close to the beach, the sound of two wet and clawed hands slapped onto sand, sounded.

A gasp was heard, as Mapvin snapped his head in the direction of the mer-person.

And that alone was enough for it to snap.

The Siren lashed out, pushing off the ground with a strong tail, and smashed an index finger's large, long talon into the fence, scratching it.

Malvin gasped, freezing in place with a strange mix of terror and astonishment, as the creature infront of him hissed and trashed against the proxy fence.

A single word repeated in his mind;


°×° °×° °×° °×° °×° °×° °×° °×° °×° °×° °×°
Gasp, is this main-character bonding??
I ate spaghetti whilst writing this. What did You eat today?
Toughts and fav parts??
Until next time, and
bye-bye cutiezz


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