Chapter 12

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CW: blood, mention of needle in medical setting, sort of detailed meat-eating? lawl

When Cade pulled back, there was blood tinging his lips, and I watched his fangs retract. He made a face and held his lips tightly as he went into the bathroom. Wanted to be my life-mate but didn't want to hold my fluids in his mouth, apparently. Side-eye.

I sat with a hand cupped around the fresh bite, but I hadn't yet registered the pain. Instead, I was focused on the goosebumps that had spread across my skin, the low sinking in my stomach, the tight coiling of my body. When he exited the bathroom again, Cade had removed his jacket and the sleeves of his crisp white shirt were rolled up to reveal, surprisingly, a smattering of ink on both arms, covering as far as I could see, stopping just above the wrist and where the edge of his sleeves would be. His hair had fallen forward across his forehead, and I watched the ripple in his forearm as he pushed it back, his eyes on mine, stalking back over with a damp cloth for me. I swallowed hard, feeling my stupid, traitorous thighs press together with what little strength I had left as he lowered to the bed beside me again, the heat and expanse of him so close, and moved to help me clean the wound.

But it was still so infected and painful that I couldn't stand to press anything to my skin. So instead, he just waited with me for the slight trickle of blood to stop, our sides brushing against each other, his dark, tattooed arm stark against the white sleeves of his shirt, against the light bedspread.

"I have to let Elias get some sleep, let him off duty for a while," Cade said as the bleeding seemed to stop.

"Yeah, of course. I'll be fine."

"Oh I'm not leaving you here alone. I've got another of my guys coming, and a homecare nurse."

I shifted a bit, embarrassed. I was already indebted to Cade, who I had thoroughly rejected. It was an uncomfortable position to be in. I just wanted to be out of each other's lives again as soon as possible, back to my little apartment and my trendy job and my plants and my friends.

"You think that's really necessary?" I pressed. "The doctor seemed to think I would be okay."

"That's because he knows you'll be looked after. He'll check in on you, but Irene will be here around the clock. You'll like her, don't worry."

I didn't say anything else, just nodded. But Cade smiled and huffed out a sound of vague exasperation.

"You almost died, Lore."

"I know, I know. I'm not arguing."

"But you want to."

"You think because the moon thought we'd be good together you can read my mind now?" I droned sarcastically.

"Your expressions are rarely quiet." Cade returned.

I let my responding expression be very loud indeed. He raised an eyebrow at me and stood to pull his suit jacket back on while I fought to keep my eyes from the ripple of muscle under his shirt.

"Do you want me to check on you later?" he asked.

I let too long a moment pass before answering, because something about it caught me off guard. That he wanted to check on me or that he would ask my permission. Maybe he just felt obligated. Either out of politeness or because I was on his land now and he felt responsible for me. There was part of me that wanted to say yes. Yes, come back to me later. Yes, come fill my room with your scent and the steady reassurance of your presence.

"You don't need to do that. You've already done...the most. And I do appreciate you making sure there are people around for me. I'm not going to get a massive bill at the end of all this, am I?" I teased half-heartedly.

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