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I stayed and chilled with violet why not try and get to know the girl IMA be working with. I was sitting on her carpet floor and we just chilling. She was on some site so I asked her what it was.

"Oh girl this the chat line site where you meet all types of dudes!" She said smiling at her phone

"What's it called?" I asked her

"Lavaline!" She said still smiling at her phone

I went to my play store app and typed in lavaline and the app popped up. I downloaded (I don't know if its actually and app called that but you can feel free to check) the app and I was just sitting there waiting for it to download once it did I opened the app and the information to create a new account popped up. I put in all my information and uploaded a picture. I went through all the males that I thought was fine and hit the heart button. I was bored with the website so I got off and went to her kitchen. I found some ham and cheese sticks so I grabbed there and a straw-ba-rita and head to the living room. I checked my phone and had twleve messages from the dating site. So I sat down and got back one.

♔stan- what's up beautiful what you on here doing because someone as beautiful as you should have a man...

Boobiesss- damn let me get a night with you baddieeeee

Sexynigga- damn Lil ma you fine as shit and I just wanted to hit you up see what you like!

Christopher- hey baby let me eat dat pussay!! ✌

Datnigga- damn babe I'm 23 and I thought you was bad and sexy asf I'd like to have someone like you on my team come fuck with me now.

I looked at a few more and this one caught me off guard.

Damnlilma- hey Lil ma what's up you look sexy but young. I'm 24 and I just couldn't stop looking at your picture you is beautiful and look young but I'd like to talk to ylh and shit if youd like that too look below I sent you a pic of me.... Hopefully I look good baby girl

Lord Jesus this man was perfect. Sexy light skin. His lips were big but perfect on him he had tats everyone goes damn just looking at this picture had me on edge. So I texted him back.

Baddie234- what's up Mr.damnlilma I got your message and you are a eye sighter. But yes I'd love to talk to you......

I sat there for about twelve minutes and put my phone down. Right when I put it down it lit up and violet tried to grab it but I was quicker than her.

"Its addicting ain't it?" She asked smiling

"Girl yes and its this one brother damn he got me blown!" I said smiling

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