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I made it to cash house and nobody was there. I wonder where his grandma is but I just walked to the kitchen and took out the chicken. I thought about something to make with chicken and it all clicked. A good home cooked meal for cash. I was almost done and in come cash with his grandma wow was she beautiful even If she was an older women. I smiled at her and she walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back and took out the food.

"Granny go get washed up my baby cooked dinner!" Cash said smiling

His grandma smiled and slowly walked to the bathroom. I smiled at cash and he walked up to me and gripped my neck hard and rough and started kissing me and I let out a slow moan.

"Does your girl do you Like this?" He asked me smirking and let me go just as his granny was walking into the kitchen

I was literally out of breathe. I started breathing hard tryinnto catch my breathe. Damn what is he really doing to me? I made everyone's plate and sat down for dinner. I had to sit next to cash and he kept teasing me non stop. I stood up dismissing my self from dinner because I wasn't feeling like eating anymore. Cash finished his food a Lil after I was finished and I had already got into the shower and was upstairs by then. I climbed into his bed and lotioned my body as he opened the door I jumped up but not fast enough before he was ripping my towel off of me again showing off my body.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me smiling

I didn't know what to say like did he really just ask me to be his girl friend

"Yes I would love to be your girlfriend!" I said jumping up on him and hugging him

Cash laid me on the bed and start pleasing my body every which way he possible could. We was on round 10 by the time he ass got tired and I was still ready for round 11. I walked down the stairs and grabbed me a sandwich and eating it before cash came down here begging me to make him one

"Babe what you down here doing?" He asked me smiling

"Nunjust thinking!" I said smiling

"Well we have a party to go to tomorrow so make sure that your ready to go around 2!" He said smiling in my face

"Whatever nigga!" I said going to the couch and grabbing a blanket wrapping up. Cash came in between my legs and laid his head there. I smiled in delight and I started to fall asleep before I felt cash open up the cover and start going into town with my kitty. I was so in love and I dont know what ima do with out it now. I want the dick again and I want it badly. I kissed him when he was finished and I laid back and thought while I rubbed through cash hair putting him to sleep

I was sitting on the couch watching some crazy show then they started talking about pregnancy and how her baby father didn't strap up and they had a lot of rounds of sex and that made me think back to cash and I and what the hell we had just did not even an hour ago and that made me realize he didn't........................

Dun dun dun.... Lol

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