Trust Test

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"Is this'a welt?"

"No, it's a scar."

"... You have a lot'a scars, Geta."

"I know."

Vegeta felt like pulling away, he didn't like the feeling of fingers trailing down his body when he couldn't see them, but that was the whole point of this. An activity to both build trust and to test the trust already there.

Vegeta huffed at the fabric wrapped tightly around his eyes, a blindfold. He hated not being able to see, but he much more hated the fact that his wrists were bound. At least they were in a comfortable position, resting on his lap, where he rubbed his thumbs together and picked at his other fingers.

"Are you nervous?"



Suddenly the warmth at his back disappeared, and the dip in the bed went with it. His heartbeat begun the race, what was happening? He felt like ripping the binds and tearing off the blindfold, but stopped when he realized that was part of the test. He had the option to, because the binds were too weak to actually hold him, but the point was: did he trust Goku so much that he wouldn't?

His breath trembled as he switched from awareness to the guilt of his thoughts, when the blindfold was lifted up just enough for Goku to peak at him with concern.

"I'm fine!" He announced before Goku could get a word in.

"I'll be back in a sec, sit tight for me would'ya?" Vegeta felt the fabric being pulled back over his eyes, and watched as the world disappeared.

"Where are you going?" Goku's footsteps traveled somewhere, and Vegeta began to feel that nervousness creep back on him.


He didn't know what was going on and that scared him to no end. The urge to break the binds becoming greater every passing second.

Finally, footsteps returned, "where did you go?"

He only received a soft hum in response.

The bed dipped behind him, and he swallowed the extra saliva in his throat, "Kakahh?!" He squeaked as now liquid-coated palms pressed against his shoulders.

Slowly, the liquid began to match his body temperature, and the bumps of chill began to fade. The heat of another's hands began to push deeper into his tense muscles, as if looking to untangle a knot.

Vegeta sighed as he leaned back into Goku's touch. Hearing Goku chuckle behind him, as well as feel it through his back, caused Vegeta to shudder.

Gentle lips against his ear, against his jaw, and cheek. He felt two hands glide from his back to his chest, deeply feeling his pectoral muscles. Fingers ran over his ribs, felt his abs, then teased his Adonis Belt.

A chest pressed against his back and Vegeta felt both like melting and running away. Slick hands raking up his sides, drawing a tremble from him, all the time those lips never ceased their gentle encouragement.

It took him a while to realize that Goku had started whispering soft praises in his ear.

"Good.. Y'ur doin' so good.."

It was when Vegeta felt his shorts being snagged that he tensed again, starting to pull away. Goku didn't pull him back, nor did he continue tugging on the shorts. Goku stopped almost immediately, giving the freedom to do whatever was needed.

Vegeta froze for a moment, running over his options, when he slowly took the shorts off himself. He laid back against Goku, and after a brief second those hands were back on him. They ran over his thighs, and he was somewhat surprised to find that it was without sexual intent. The hands' motivation seemed not to change, as they pulled back up to Vegeta's Adonis Belt, briefly over his abs, and returning to his pectorals.

Vegeta let out a heavy sigh, feeling his body begin to relax under the fingers. He laid his head back, feeling his neck stretch. His neck could easily be slit like this, yet it seemed like the last thing he needed to worry about anymore. He jolted slightly when those lips found their way to his exposed neck. This was very uncharacteristic of him, he never exposed his neck like this. Yet here he was, laying himself out to be completely ruined, and having the confidence that Goku wouldn't.

The hands left his body, and he briefly wondered where they went, when the binds were unwrapped from his wrists and the blindfold was carefully taken off. He squinted his eyes at the bright room, then realized he was looking into Goku's eyes.

"Congrats. Ya did it." He smiled, planting a kiss to Vegeta's forehead.

"What?" Vegeta asked, a little disoriented.

"Ya made it thirty minutes. The timer went off and everythin', but you were so focused on me ya didn't even notice didja?"

Vegeta's eyes widened as he realized, he closed his eyes, willingly putting himself at Goku's mercy. Instead of anything he could have expected, a headbutt, a hand against his still exposed neck, a shove, instead of any of that, he received a small kiss on his nose.

When he opened his eyes Goku was still there, still looking at him with those big, loving eyes. He looked down at himself, noticing that he'd completely melted into Goku's lap and chest, also seeing some of whatever oil was being massaged into his skin.

"Huh.." Vegeta breathed, not realizing that he'd been taking much slower, deeper breaths.

"Ya look tired," Goku smiled as the prince in his arms still hadn't moved away, proving different from the expectation that he would leave right after.

Vegeta closed his eyes again, still not moving, "Can I ask you a favor, Kakarrot?"

"Yeah, anythin'." Goku smiled seeing how much he was able to get Vegeta to relax.

"Put the blindfold back on."

Goku's Trust Test is next!

Also YES I didn't use worms, I'm sorry.

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