Trust Test Part 2

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"You're gonna be fine." Vegeta said, skimming over the choices of needle.

Goku took a deep shaky breath, deciding to look away from the needles and instead look at his forearm. It was laid palm up, and was still vaguely wet from when Vegeta had wiped it down.

He heard Vegeta sitting himself in a wheelie chair and rolling over. Vegeta, now at his side, pecked his cheek, "it's gonna hurt, if at any time you want me to stop use the safe word. Understood?" Vegeta waited until a nod was given, then pecked Goku once more on the cheek.

"Don't fret, Kakarrot, I'll take good care of you."

He looked at his gun, "You wanted blue?" His voice was a little disgusted but more intruiged.

"Yeah.." Goku confessed, he eyes darting away somewhere.

"Why?" Vegeta raised a brow, still watching Goku's face.

"Cuz it reminds me of ya."

Vegeta paused briefly, processing the simple sentence.

Goku, noticing the look on his face, and asked, "Should I change it?"

"No." Vegeta smiled a little, "I think it'll look good."

"Okay get all your nervous shimmies out. When I start this you can't move. At all."

Goku forced slow breaths as he shook his arms and kicked his feet, then he stilled and closed his eyes tightly. He took a couple more breaths, waiting for the initial puncture.

"You ready?"

Goku exhaled, he could do this. He nodded.

He heard the whirring of the the tattoo gun, and he felt the thin needle puncturing just underneath his skin. His breath trembled as he felt the urge to snatch his arm away. He wanted to curl away and never step foot in a room with needles again.

"How are you holding up?" Vegeta so carefully asked, pulling the needle away from the skin and turning to look at Goku, who still had his eyes closed, "You need a break?" He noted the wet streaks on Goku's face.

Goku nodded, peaking one eye open to stare at Vegeta pleadingly, "just a couple minutes.. Please?"

Vegeta nodded, and got up, "of course." He turned the gun off and set it aside, heading towards the back for a drink.

"Do you want something? A water maybe?"

"Whatever's cool.."

Goku took deep breaths through his teeth, he felt like vomiting. He would be fine. He felt like the world was slipping from beneath him.

Despite not even opening his eyes, he felt like he was in a spinning room. He felt light headed and nauseous, he'd never gone this long around needles, and that scared him.

He didn't have the strength to run, and he didn't have the stomach to look at his arm. And he felt like he'd pass out at any given moment.

A gloved hand touched his shoulder, "you good Kakarrot?"

Goku breathed out slowly, it'd be okay. "Yeah.. Kinda."

Vegeta frowned seeing the obvious discomfort and pain in Goku's face. "Do you want me to stop?"

Goku shook his head, "I want to see it when it's done."

Vegeta stared at him for another moment, then sat down. "Okay, if you say so. Here's your water by the way."

"Thanks, Baby."

Vegeta's face flushed, still not used to names like that.


Goku gripped the arm rest with his entire strength, the thing being crushed in his hand. He felt the overwhelming urge to kick his feet, to scream, to rip his arm off and never feel this sensation again.

But he kept still, and he kept quiet, and he kept his arm.

"Gods you are doing so well Kakarrot, you're almost there. You can do this, just a little more. Come on."

The words of encouragement kept him from completely shutting down, and before long, the needle disappeared from his skin, and the rumbling of the gun halted abruptly.

"Oh my Kami.." Vegeta whispered.

Goku felt a cool wipe being used to clean up whatever was on his arm. Probably blood, which was another reason he didn't want to look.

"Kakarrot, it's beautiful."

Goku peaked his eyes open, and glanced down at his arm. Finally, his eyes flew open, staring impossibly at the cursive handwriting that read "Saiyan." The deep Royal Blue that it embodied only continued to flaunt it's beauty, and Goku couldn't have been more impressed.


"Cool right?"

Goku nodded a little bit, then noticed something, "why is my arm all red?"

Vegeta looked at him weird, "Kakarrot, I've been stabbing you over and over again for like forty five minutes. Why do you think it's red?"

Goku chuckled a little, "right."

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